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Kate has to go to the Vet - Printable Version

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RE: Kate has to go to the Vet - Libby - 09-04-2014

I've been giving Kate the powder on every cricket she got last week and she ate 1 or 2 a night but this week shes stopped eating again. I have her a multi vitamin too that ive been giving her every other day. I've offered her crickets morning and night but still nothing. she has been drinking water though. and ive been giving her warm water bathes.
she has mouth-rot so I think that's her main problem. She may end up needing antibiotics. I'll just have to see what the vet says.

RE: Kate has to go to the Vet - Catherine - 09-04-2014

I am glad you have been getting some calcium and vitamins into Kate. That has to help some.
Reptiles with mouth rot just don't want to eat and Kate can't afford to lose weight. Mouth rot is a bad thing, but it is even more so for her. I really hope the vet can help.
Let us know what the vet has to say.

RE: Kate has to go to the Vet - Libby - 09-05-2014

confirmed she does have a parasite. I have medicine to give her the next 5 days. She got her first dose a few hours before she got her crickets tonight so lets hope she eats tonight.

RE: Kate has to go to the Vet - Catherine - 09-05-2014

At least if you know it is a parasite, you can treat it. I do hope the medicine starts working and Kate starts eating again.
Is the parasite the real reason why she has not gained weight? If it is, then she should start to grow and be healthy.

Get well soon Kate.Heart

RE: Kate has to go to the Vet - Libby - 09-13-2014

She's eating again. And I can tell she's already looking better. It's slow going but I can already tell she is gaining weight. She's had her first round of medicine and then 14 days she has another 5 day treatment. I'm excited to see her at a healthy weight. She hasn't been since I've had her.

RE: Kate has to go to the Vet - Catherine - 09-13-2014

I am so glad Kate is responding to treatment. Once she starts gaining weight there will be no turning back. She will fill out and be a healthy lizard.
Good thing you have a good vet who knows how to treat lizards.

When you hatch out the first eggs from Kate it will be a big celebration for you since you have worked so hard to get her healthy.
You have really done a marvelous job of caring for her.

RE: Kate has to go to the Vet - Cibach - 09-13-2014

It is a relief to read that Kate is on the mend. I do hope the treatment is fully successful and that Kate can lead a healthy life.
Well done with all your persistence and having a knowledgeable vet.

RE: Kate has to go to the Vet - Catherine - 09-15-2014

We are all hoping to hear that Kate has become a fat, healthy, happy lizard. Keep us posted.

RE: Kate has to go to the Vet - Libby - 09-24-2014

Kate is doing much better. Her mouth rot is healed up and so is the spot on her spine (I don't remember if I mentioned that before). She is gaining some weight but it's slow going. She has 3 new sores to contented with. I think one was caused when she was shedding and she's still skinny so she got a bad scrape. I'm not sure what the others are from. I'm guessing the same thing.
She started her second round of meds today. So lets hope this second round clears her up. Then next week she goes to see the vet again. Lets hope I get another fecal sample before then to see if she is clear. She's been going fairly regularly so I have hope.

RE: Kate has to go to the Vet - Catherine - 09-24-2014

The fact that she is healing is a good sign. Is she gaining any weight?

I hope the second round of meds are enough to bring her to full health.
I am glad you have a good vet.

Get well Kate.Heart