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My Christmas bunny is back - Printable Version

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My Christmas bunny is back - Catherine - 12-21-2014

Every Christmas Luna Bunny comes to stay with me so that his person can go home for Christmas. It has become part of my Christmas traditions.

I let him free roan when I am home. Here he is running from his cage in the kitchen to my bed, which he likes to get up on.
[Image: IMG_0965.JPG]
I have no idea what he is looking at, but he is quite focused on something. You can see how cute he is.
[Image: IMG_0969.JPG]
He comes with his favourite toys and blankets.
[Image: IMG_0973.JPG]
He is a busy little guy.
[Image: IMG_0967.JPG]
[Image: IMG_0963.JPG]

We treat his time with me as a holiday for him so he does what he wants. I leave some pieces of paper where he can reach them and he pulls them out and chews them up. These are things he doesn't get to do at home. And of course he gets on the bed and gives me bunny kisses at random times during the night.
We have fun and I love my Christmas bunny.Heart

RE: My Christmas bunny is back - Tobi - 12-22-2014

Aww! He is a very lovely little bunny! It seems like no time since he was staying with you last! Gosh, that must have been a year ago!

I am sure he will have a wonderful holiday, and he loves staying with his "Aunty Catherine" !

RE: My Christmas bunny is back - Catherine - 12-22-2014

Actually it hasn't been a year. He was with me in June so his mom could go to a friend's wedding. Luna has been visiting for five years at least. He looks good for his age and he settles in so well. It really is a vacation for him.

She also has a Cockatiel and he boards somewhere else and there are other birds there so it is a holiday for him. That is how it should be. If you have to board your pets or have a pet sitter you should choose carefully. It should be a positive experience. I cat sit and the cat and I have a special bond, but she only acknowledges it when I am cat sitting.

I only want to board animals that I can form a bond with and keep happy.

RE: My Christmas bunny is back - Tobi - 12-22-2014

Oh -it was only last June. I thought it didn't seem like a year....but who am I to tell? I am often in a time-warp.

I agree Catherine. Boarding shouldn't be like boot camp for an animal. It should be like staying with a favourite friend. I cannot imagine anyone I would have wished to board Misty with. They would have had to be very close to me indeed. And to her.

She was very fond of our friend Peter (who passed away 2011) But even he wouldn't look after her while I went to a posh ball! Only overnight. I was happier to stay with her myself instead. Otherwise she went everywhere with me -or I didn't go, end of story.

It will be a real treat to spend Christmas with Luna.

RE: My Christmas bunny is back - Catherine - 12-22-2014

It is funny how Luna has become part of my Christmas traditions. I am used to him being with me and I don't think about Christmas until I get the bunny call.

He is a gentle little guy. He likes to lie on the floor beside the bed. If I roll over and face him he is watching me. I do put him in his cage when I am out. It is safer that way. He doesn't mind because as soon as I come home he knows he will be free roaming again. It gives me a good reason to hurry home. I need to let the bunny out.

I'm with you. It is nicer to stay home with your pet(s) than to wander all over the place. I like my own bed and I like my little ones near by.

Luna is just as much part of my family as the rest of them. He just isn't always with us.

RE: My Christmas bunny is back - Cibach - 12-22-2014

The Christmas Bunny..... It wouldn't be Christmas without him now.
I'm so glad he's back.

RE: My Christmas bunny is back - Catherine - 12-23-2014

I am just so used to having him around. He usually sleeps on the floor beside the bed. I put a towel down because he won't walk on bare floor. He likes to stretch out on the towel and be near me. When I am at work he has a house in his cage and he snuggles up in there and sleeps for the day. We have our routines, Luna and me.Heart

RE: My Christmas bunny is back - hungrypigs - 12-29-2014

The Christmas Bunny is gorgeous and he is so lucky that he gets to stay with you for his Christmas holiday. xx

RE: My Christmas bunny is back - Catherine - 12-30-2014

He goes home on New Years Eve because his mom gets home and wants to start off the New Year with him. He is a fun house guest.
I get the joy of having a bunny, but then he goes home. It is like having grandchildren. All the fun, but someone else's responsibility.

It has been so many years that I don't start my Christmas season until I know he is on his way. The rest of you wait for Santa Claus, I wait for a bunny. Hmm, shouldn't that be Easter.