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Pets who are disapointed - Catherine - 01-17-2015

They do look disappointed. I love some of the dog's looks. They look so reproving and just not pleased.

If my pet looked at me like that I would be offering treats and anything else I could find to make them smile again.

RE: Pets who are disapointed - Cibach - 01-17-2015

Those photos are just hilarious. I particularly like the pug who didn't realise he was going to the vet!!
If only they could talk, or maybe it should be, if only we could understand them when they do!

RE: Pets who are disapointed - Tobi - 01-18-2015

The little dog under the blanket has his 'sad trance stare' on. Misty could do a good one of those, and usually did whenever I had visitors round. They would ask "Is she okay??" I'd say "Yes, she's fine." They wouldn't believe me. "Maybe she's not well...?" they would say; or "Is she dying?"
The unspoken part of the dialogue between Misty and me went rather like this:
"I am willing to endure this situation of gas-bagging humans, but the larger part of my consciousness has now transported itself to another dimension. Let me know when they go home or fall unconscious from lack of oxygen....and I'll be right there!"
As soon as they had gone she would leap up and say "Okay let's go out now! Where's that frisbee?"

Poor little cat who didn't get any presents on the special red cloth (although it does look as if he has just eaten a treat there. -Crumb evidence...)

RE: Pets who are disapointed - Catherine - 01-18-2015

Pets don't necessarily like our company, especially when it takes the focus off of them. Misty was a very good actor. She knew just how far to go to disturb your guests. Smiley4

The Corgi is speaking loud and clear. "You threw it that far , you go and get it". It is supposed to be a game, it is not supposed to be work.

Even snakes can give you the look. I can't always get the Gofer Snakes preferred food. If I offer him something else, I can see it on his face "Seriously, you expect me to eat this?"

Years ago I had a cat that would only eat one kind of cat chow. They went through a supply problem and I couldn't get it. I tried and I brought lots of other kinds. Annie would look in the bowl and shake her head. The look she gave me clearly said "You still didn't get it right, how dumb are you, what's a cat got to do to get the right cat chow. It was funny. She was happy when the right stuff was available, but all she did was start eating and forgot the whole thing.

RE: Pets who are disapointed - Tobi - 01-18-2015

Yes, Misty knew not to take it too least not to the point at which I might suggest calling the vet! LOL

I don't mean to mis-represent Misty. She generally liked visitors, and only did the 'sad trance' when a person kept talking non stop for an inordinate amount of time. Basically she was doing what I felt like doing, but was too polite to do!

That must have felt very disappointing for your cat -to be given the wrong food! Deliberately and with malice buy the wrong kitty-chow! How could you Catherine?!Smiley4

RE: Pets who are disapointed - Catherine - 01-18-2015

I think it was four months before I could get the right cat chow. Not once did Annie ever make the best of it. She ate, but she was very grudging about it. She certainly never let up her look at me every time she approached the dish.

Maybe Misty was very perceptive and could read your feelings and was expressing them for you.

RE: Pets who are disapointed - AnimalFamily - 01-19-2015

Our cat Littleman is a lot like your Annie. If he doesn't get his Ragu in the morning there will be hell to pay! I can actually feel him staring holes through me while I sleep, if wants something before I get up.
Payne has a habit of sitting across the room with a huge stream of drool going if we're having something especially yummy to eat and she hasn't gotten her fair share.
Guilt trip!!!!!

#2 totally cracked me up. That kitty just looks so pitiful, or is it just THAT relaxed??

RE: Pets who are disapointed - Tobi - 01-19-2015

haha! Sometimes our animals are very good at openly displaying what we might have in ourselves but have repressed.....

My Jack Russell, Toby used to pee up against door-frames....the bank particularly. He used to get me into trouble umpteen times.
And yes I was tranced-out too as my guests would talk for a long time about somebody's cousin's husband's best friend's wife.... But I managed to show some teeth and say "Right...." at appropriate moments.
But Misty clinched it. "I think I have to take her out now," I would say, "Or she might pee/throw up in the house..." ('throw up' was always a good one) The visitors would nod solemnly and go to fetch their coats.
Secretly we had a deal going on.

RE: Pets who are disapointed - Catherine - 01-19-2015

#2 is priceless. How can that be comfortable and how did he get there like that.
The dog at the vets he the most intense look. It would take a lot of treats to win him over again.

Smiley4You and Misty had a good system going.
I am even better off. Many people will not visit me because of the snakes. Think of all the hours of nonsense I am spared.

My piggies are calling.

RE: Pets who are disapointed - Tobi - 01-19-2015

LOL Catherine! All you need is a snake. No dialogue necessary!

But I would be very interested in the snakes. And would visit you to see them. I think snakes like things to be peaceful.

#2 also made me could he/she? be comfortable like that?