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Urban Wildlife - Printable Version

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Urban Wildlife - Catherine - 07-04-2015

This has become quite an issue. Cities had become lifeless with just a few rodents(rats and mice of course) and a few hardy birds(pigeons, starlings and sparrows). Now there are coyotes and deer and countless birds. Cities are trying to have green spaces for our own good and animals are happy to move into them.

The article I found talks about the history of human wildlife encounters in North America. First we drove them out and now they are coming back.
I don't think it is clear yet how we are going to handle the presence of wild animals in out cities. We are going to have to learn because they are definitely coming back.

Maybe years ago we would have just killed them, but that option is not acceptable any more. I for one would be thrilled to see a deer in my front yard or discover frogs in my pond or better yet, that snakes were hibernating under my deck. I don't think my attitude is unique.

I don't know what city life will look like in the future, but I am betting it has more wildlife not less.