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'Stop Boknal' Tweet-storm - Printable Version

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'Stop Boknal' Tweet-storm - Tobi - 07-09-2015

[img][Image: stopboknal.jpg] 20mb image hosting[/img]

The "Stop Boknal" Twitter-storm ....List of tweets to use for the 'storm' on this site:

This is what a "Tweet-Storm" is (brief definition):

How to:

Login to Twitter.

Post on topic using designated hashtag

Click on hashtag in the list of trending hashtags (left of the screen) or in any tweet you see.
This will make the tweet display column load all the tweets using this hashtag.

RE: 'Stop Boknal' Tweet-storm - Catherine - 07-09-2015

This is incredible. What a powerful campaign. I need to spend more time with all the stuff on the web site. I am not registered for twitter. Maybe I should be on twitter. Do I need a twitter account to pass these things on?

The idea of a twitter storm is really good. If I understand how it works, it would really get the truth out there.

RE: 'Stop Boknal' Tweet-storm - Tobi - 07-09-2015

I have never got involved in a 'tweet-storm' before, so am not 100% sure if I'll do it right! I'll just follow the instructions and see what happens. I'm not a big social media user, though I do have a twitter and facebook account.
But Twitter is very useful for campaigns like this, and brilliant for linking up with others with whom you share interests. I also use it to get 'breaking news' about anything, as news will often appear on Twitter before anywhere else.
It's easy to join and set it up, if you feel like doing it.
Otherwise there are many effective and alternative ways to protest and help.

RE: 'Stop Boknal' Tweet-storm - Catherine - 07-10-2015

I don't know if I have the energy to take on another form of social media. It would mean learning a whole new set of passwords and ways of doing things.
I can keep tack of petitions and post things on Facebook and the Forum. I am sure when I check my email accounts there will be all kinds of news alerts about this.

I think a twitter storm is a great idea. Will we hear about what happens or do we need to look for the information.

RE: 'Stop Boknal' Tweet-storm - Tobi - 07-15-2015

We must still all work hard to appeal/fight against this dreadful animal holocaust as best we can. I have never in my life seen cruelty as severe. I have never in my life seen such psychopathic tendencies towards the innocent.

We can find petitions and sign them. We can put stickers on our cars....anything to raise awareness.

That of course is already too late this year for many poor Souls. But every move we make -whatever it is - will make some difference if we all don't let go.

RE: 'Stop Boknal' Tweet-storm - Catherine - 07-15-2015

Quote:We must still all work hard to appeal/fight against this dreadful animal holocaust as best we can. I have never in my life seen cruelty as severe. I have never in my life seen such psychopathic tendencies towards the innocent.

We can find petitions and sign them. We can put stickers on our cars....anything to raise awareness.

That of course is already too late this year for many poor Souls. But every move we make -whatever it is - will make some difference if we all don't let go.

I agree with you, the cruelty is extreme. I signed all the petitions, but now I am going back and reading the details and watching the videos.
It seems to be a systematic carefully planned out cruelty. Gadhimai was just an uncontrolled frenzy of killing. That is disturbing, but these dog festivals are a whole different level of depravity.

Now that the secret is out, we need to keep up the pressure. Things this bad are not stopped easily. It will take work from many people all around the world to stop this. We can't save a lot of the dogs, but if this was the last year then they will not have died in vain. Even if we can only weaken the dog meat trade and reduce the festivals right now, then the poor animals that died, are martyrs for the cause of ending mass cruelty. They will be remembered.