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Social Media - JasonW - 08-28-2015

Just wondering if anyone here has social media accounts? As we are all animal lovers perhaps we could follow each other. Personally I'm on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Google+

Anyone else use them? Post your social account links and I will follow you!

RE: Social Media - Tobi - 08-28-2015

Yes Jason, I'm on Twitter and Facebook. I would be happy to 'friend' you on FB or follow you on Twitter....but I warn you I don't often have enough time there and can forget about both for quite a long time!

Anyway, my Twitter thingy is @Mistysylv
And my FB is Sylvia Groves. If you can't find the right one, just look for an avatar pic with a little golden dog on the right!

RE: Social Media - Catherine - 08-28-2015

Sylvia's Facebook account should link you to me. You will recognize the picture. I haven't registered with twitter and pinterest.
I am still caught up with launching the Forum. It has been almost two years so things run pretty smoothly. Those first months, first year were pretty time consuming.

I do check my Facebook account often enough, unless I get very busy.

RE: Social Media - JasonW - 08-28-2015

Thanks for that!

I have followed your twitter account but can't connect my facebook page to personal profiles for some reason!

Mine are and

RE: Social Media - Tobi - 08-29-2015

Thanks Jason!
I will go over to FB this evening and look at your pages.

I go through phases with Twitter. Sometimes I find I have forgotten to go there for so long!

You see, I have a very delayed time-recognition! What can feel like hours to me works out to be two weeks in Human Time! LOL! Smiley4

By the way, thank you for the twitter 'follow' Jason!

RE: Social Media - Catherine - 08-29-2015

I can follow the link to your page, but I don't know how to make a friend request.
I am not sure how to link you to my page.

Facebook keeps suggesting friends. Maybe it will try to link us since I went to your page. I am sure we will figure it out. I am not always a tech wiz when it comes to Facebook and such.

RE: Social Media - AnimalFamily - 09-06-2015

Wellllll, now I feel like an old fart, lol! Blush
The extent of my social media activity is ALWF and MPOP! Dodgy
These really are the same genre, just not as well known. A feature, I personally, prefer!!! Smiley17

RE: Social Media - Catherine - 09-06-2015

I can never quite figure out Facebook. Every time I think I know how to do something they make changes and I am left sorting it out all over again. I don't know how to send friend requests and I have accidentally joined things I don't want to join.

I have acquired friends by accident that I do not know and I am not sure how they ended up on my friend list. Candy Crush is fun though.

Animal Family, I think you and I do very well with the new technology. After all I started out with a party line telephone and now look at all the technology I have.