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Bison poached in Elk Island Alberta - Printable Version

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Bison poached in Elk Island Alberta - Catherine - 11-17-2015

Elk Island National park in Alberta is home to herds of Wood Bison and Plains Bison.
They roam freely in the park area and it is wonderful to see them in so natural a setting. I have been there and and it is beautiful.
Sadly someone thinks it would be a great place to kill animals. Two of our beautiful Bison have been killed and one was dragged a ways and meat cut off.

They have only the vaguest of leads so they are asking for the public's help to catch whoever did this.

This is so sad. These bison are gentle creatures in a protected area. Even though the area is large, it is still fenced in.  So what kind of person kills an animal that is fenced in?

RE: Bison poached in Elk Island Alberta - Tobi - 11-18-2015

Oh how sad and awful! I can't imagine what that creature went through. Whoever did that probably didn't care if the animal was properly dead before they got their 'cheap meat'. It's so very sad.
They may have been spurred on by the increasing popularity for more exotic meats Bison steaks, and other poor dead animals. They probably sold the meat to a restaurant.

I do hope the authorities find whoever did that and deal with them accordingly.

RE: Bison poached in Elk Island Alberta - Catherine - 11-18-2015

With luck someone will turn the culprits in or they will give themselves away.

Exotic meat in restaurants is becoming a real problem. I understand that in New York you can even get gorilla meat. I can't imagine what kind of person would want to eat gorilla.

These bison are trusting of humans. They are not tame, but they are used to people coming to the park to see them. There is a particular nastiness to someone who would kill an animal raised in a protected area.

I really hope they get them!