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Suzy Took off - Ruth - 03-25-2016

I took Suzy to the groomer today and she gave her a nice hair cut and groomed her all up good.  I was half way out the door with Suzy as I was talking to the groomer and the groomer yells "she took off".  I looked down at the leash and Suzy was gone.  Then I looked out to the street and didn't see her.  My heart was pounding...Then all of a sudden I saw Suzy by my car and called to her "come here Suzy."  She was a bit hesitant as she looked at the groomer.  She was afraid of the groomer because she doesn't like baths or fussing with her fur, toes, ears and anal glands.  I walked toward my car and opened the door and Suzy ran right inside the car.  Apparently her collar wasn't fastened properly.  Next time I take her there I am going to make sure the collar is fastened properly.  The groomer should have done that.  But once before when I first got Suzy I took her to the park and her collar came off but she stayed by me and let me put it back on.

Suzy and I have such a strong bond and we are each other's worlds!  She only ran away from the groomer today and not me.   Heart

RE: Suzy Took off - Catherine - 03-25-2016

Okay, that was a bit of a scare.

You really have to check a collar very carefully. Good for Suzy that she just headed for the car.  She might be glad of a good haircut, but she definitely wants to go home afterwards.

You do have a very close bond. It is beautiful to see the two of you so close.

RE: Suzy Took off - Ruth - 03-25-2016

Yes, it turned out well. The groomer didn't check the collar but next time when I pick her up from the groomer I will be sure to check the collar. Actually, Suzy will follow me around the yards without a collar when we have cook outs here. Smile

RE: Suzy Took off - Cibach - 03-25-2016

It just goes to show how much Suzy trust you. She left the groomer, who she didn't like, and went to wait for you where she knew you would be sure tho find her.
Clever dog.

RE: Suzy Took off - Ruth - 03-26-2016

Yes, she is a clever dog. She was so happy to jump into the back seat of the car. I think I would just die if I lost her! She means so much to me.

RE: Suzy Took off - Tobi - 03-26-2016

Oh goodness me! I am glad to hear all was well in the end and Suzy got in the car.
Yes it sounds like she'd had enough of the groomer! And wanted to escape! It's a good job you were there and so she had a focus to help her come back.

Dogs generally dislike 'having things done to them'. LOL. Misty didn't like it much when I got Ticks off her, or cut her toe nails. or brushed her teeth. And the vet was Satan as far as she was concerned! Smiley4

RE: Suzy Took off - Catherine - 03-26-2016

No pet wants to have nails cut and things done to then.

Suzy is good about grooming, but when she is done and you come to pick her up she just wants to go home RIGHT NOW!
You can't blame her really. She is smart enough to know that the car is the best way to get there.

RE: Suzy Took off - Ruth - 03-26-2016

Yes, I think Suzy thinks the groomer is the devil!! I was thinking what if I wasn't there but then the groomer does not take dogs outside. The groomer knew Suzy wanted no part of her after that ordeal, I'm sure especially the anal glands draining!

RE: Suzy Took off - Catherine - 03-27-2016

That is a little too much for a dog to put up with, but it has to be done.
Suzy lets the groomer look after her, but then she needs you to take her home and let her be at peace.

The groomer does need to be more careful with collars. Not all dogs are as good as Suzy. Some would bolt and get lost. No one wants that to happen.  I am sure after seeing Suzy bolt she will be more careful with the next dog.

RE: Suzy Took off - Ruth - 03-27-2016

Actually the groomer didn't know how Suzy got loose. She thought that Suzy had pulled her head out of the collar. I didn't have a chance to tell her that the collar came apart where it connects. Actually when I first got Suzy and she had a different collar it came loose when we went to the park. Suzy just stood there while I connected it again. These collars can sometimes be tricky. I will tell the groomer about what happened next time I see her, though.