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BRRR... KEEPING PETS WARM IN WINTER - LeonilCraig - 02-28-2017

Winter time is here and we are all preparing to keep ourselves warm and cosy during those freezing temperature months. While we think that our pets fur will keep them insulated & protect them from the elements it is a good idea to provide added warmth... Winter time is here and we are all preparing to keep ourselves warm and cosy during those freezing temperature months. While we think that our pets fur will keep them insulated & protect them from the elements it is a good idea to provide added warmth...

Winter time is here and we are all preparing to keep ourselves warm and cosy during those freezing temperature months.
While we think that our pets fur will keep them insulated & protect them from the elements it is a good idea to provide added warmth and protection from those freezing cold days and nights.
Some tips for providing extra warmth for your pets are:
- Provide a warm enclosure for your pet to sleep in that not exposed to the elements.
- Elevate their sleeping quarters off the ground this is particularly relevant for older arthritic pets
- Provide extra blankets that are warm & dry
- Provide your animal with a pet coat
- On extra cold days you can place a warm hot water bottle underneath their bedding inside their enclosures, to add extra warmth
- If your pet is an indoors you can always snuggle up with them on the couch, but always make sure they have a space they can go to if they feel they need to get away from the warmth of the room
- It also important to keep up with exercising your pet, providing  a balanced diet & plenty of water during the winter months.
Lucky Pet says a HUGE THANKS to Dr Rebecca Bugg and VetCall Melbourne for this timely post!

RE: BRRR... KEEPING PETS WARM IN WINTER - Catherine - 03-01-2017

This is so important. All pets need to be protected from the winter cold. Even though they have fur and are always indoors, I give my guinea pigs extra blankets incase they need to snuggle. I use warmer lightbulbs for my snakes and lizards in the winter. They need that bit of extra heat to stay warm.

In areas that get serious cold and snow, dogs do need warm coats and often boots as well. It is better for your pets health to protect it from the cold. No dog should be outside for any length of time on a cold day. Even if they survive, it is not pleasant to be cold like that. Dogs and cats can get frostbite and lose toes, ears and tails. No pet should ever suffer from frostbite. We should always bring them in when the weather turns cold.

I hope everyone reading this stops and thinks about the animals in their lives and considers whether they are safe from the cold this winter.


Thank you for that help and advice, Leonil Craig. You are so right. We have to think of our animals every day when it is cold, snowing, or wet.

All animals can succumb to hypothermia in bad conditions, and need indoor shelter of one kind or another. People who keep "yard dogs" outside all the time, have to make sure they have a wind-proof kennel or barn to get inside, and some fresh dry bedding -either blankets or straw. Straw is cheap and very warm.
Some farm dogs, and some types of working dogs etc with thick coats are not used to living in a house. But there HAS to be some shelter for them to keep them safe.

No short-coated dog ought to be kept outside in winter.

RE: BRRR... KEEPING PETS WARM IN WINTER - Catherine - 03-02-2017

You should see the beautiful coats the neighbourhood rescue greyhounds are wearing this year. Short haired dogs like that must wear coats when it is cold.

Even the street cats get help in the form of shelters that are filled with straw and placed where the cat will feel safe using it.
Winter is very hard on animals and we must do what we can to protect them.