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Farewell Spencer - Printable Version

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Farewell Spencer - Catherine - 03-10-2017

A few years ago I rehomed a Pink Tongued Skink. He had been bumped from home to home through Kijiji and probably was a wild caught lizard. They live on a diet of snails so they don't work as a pet. It is hard to find anything they will eat. I have a big tank with a collection of different skinks so I had a place he could be comfortable.

He made himself at home and curled up to sleep.
[Image: 7rf25df2yR4zaAl_e1uzs4OhWK1jHX1s96aA6PVK...=w394-h275]

It wasn't easy, but I found he would eat powdered gecko mix and frozen blood worms. He seemed to like the mix and he did well. He even formed a bond with my Berber Skink Tarragon.

[Image: 0QyT-lwl4Gg2-WJIvemjo246wZmBnc-HQxQNty-b...=w367-h275]
You can see they enjoyed a good meal together.

[Image: MPl9oqJfGYjy9OjxHgX5PAVtPRsPfIpyIeWojoP2...=w367-h275]
They were a bit of an odd couple, but as skinks go they had similarities.

[Image: 7OW5ovN9Tt8_KZNqLBhfL7tfldFf2x6xqTyIB5UT...=w367-h275]
Sadly Tarragon died last year and I think Spencer really missed her.
He was possibly really old and these past months I have noticed him failing.

[Image: B3O4PZWRFUd7p7edCd_jz78pFiInBodejCN9kn86...=w367-h275]
This is Spencer when I first brought him home and that is how I want to remember him.
He was a magnificent lizard and now he has joined his beloved Tarragon.
I wish them well. It was a privilege to have had them live with me.
I miss them both.

RE: Farewell Spencer - Tobi - 03-11-2017

Bless you dear little Spencer. Angel I think you have gone to be with Tarragon Heart

You are much loved and will be missed by your whole family.

RE: Farewell Spencer - Catherine - 03-11-2017

It is an odd thing, but the first night without Spencer, Leo(another rescue lizard of a very different kind) sat in Spencer's spot and watched me like Spencer would have. He has never done anything like it before or since. Leo is usually asleep at night and he is on a log at the top of the tank because he is a tree climber. Spencer lived on the floor of the tank under plants and logs. A big climb for Spencer was to sit in his spot on top of a small log.

I miss having Spencer watch me on the computer and for that one night Leo took his place.

RE: Farewell Spencer - LPC - 03-12-2017

Spencer really fell on his feet when he found his "best home ever" with you, Catherine! Dear Spencer, I'm sure that you will still watch Catherine from time to time, even if she can't see you there. I'm also sure that you will be glad to be back with your friend, Tarragon.

RE: Farewell Spencer - Catherine - 03-12-2017

When I rehome the unwanted reptiles like Spencer, I want to be their last home and their best home.
He was happy and he had friends. It is the best I could do for him. There was no chance to find more of his own species.
I am just glad that He found companionship with Tarragon.

I am glad they are reunited, but I do hope some nights I feel him watching me from the tank as I work on the computer.

RE: Farewell Spencer - Ruth - 04-29-2017

So sorry to hear of the loss of Spencer, Catherine. I know he had a good life with you. It's sad to see our pets leave, isn't it.

RE: Farewell Spencer - Catherine - 04-30-2017

Thank-you Ruth. It is sad he is gone, but I am glad I was able to give him a secure and happy end to his life. Since skinks live a long time he probably was passed from home to home by people who had no idea how to look after him. He was possibly even wild caught. I take comfort in the fact that he was happy with me and found friendship with Tarragon. He was a fine lizard and it was a lucky day for both of us when I rehomed him.

RE: Farewell Spencer - Catslave - 05-02-2017

R.I.P Spencer you'll be running around over The Rainbow Bridge with Tarragon hope there's plenty of snails there for you.

RE: Farewell Spencer - Catherine - 05-02-2017

Quote:R.I.P Spencer you'll be running around over The Rainbow Bridge with Tarragon hope there's plenty of snails there for you.
I always wished that he could have the food he wanted. That is a wonderful thought that now he can.