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Petlexa from Amazon - Printable Version

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Petlexa from Amazon - Catherine - 04-01-2017

I just read that Amazon has come up with a smart device for  out pets. We have Alexa to do things for us so the pets should have Petlexa.

Pretty amazing, except for the fact that it is April first.

Actually I am picturing my place with Petlexa and it could be pretty bad. Who knows what the guinea pigs would order.

RE: Petlexa from Amazon - Tobi - 04-02-2017

Is this for real? Not just an April Fool thing? I have to admit I am not familiar with "Alexa" anyway. I presume it's some sort of app...?

But I'll believe anything on April Fool's Day! Smiley4  I once heard on the news that Dinosaurs had been discovered still surviving on a remote Scottish island, and believed every word....until I looked at the calendar!

RE: Petlexa from Amazon - Catherine - 04-02-2017

Last year I believed a story about herds of guinea pigs being used to keep the grass short is a solar panel "farm".
It sounded like a good idea.   And then I noticed the date.

I don't know how good an idea Petlexa would be. Cats ordering sushi could get very expensive. I wouldn't trust the guinea pigs for a minute. They wouldn't just order cases of vegetables, they would have catering companies deliver veggie plates and fruit trays. I don't want to think about what the bearded dragons might do. They already watch me on the computer. They would probably order movies about reptiles and cases of lightbulbs.

Let us hope that Petlexa really is an April Fools day joke.