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The last Orca born in captivity. - Printable Version

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The last Orca born in captivity. - Catherine - 04-22-2017

Sea World is not just ending its preforming marine mammal shows, it has also stopped its captive breeding program.
One female was already pregnant at the time the decision was made. She has just given birth. Her baby will be the last orca born at Sea World.

Hopefully this little orca, even if it can't be released to the wild, will still live a more normal life. There will be no more shows at Sea World so he will be spared that horror.  In future, the orcas will be housed in more natural environments. The little Orca will have a chance to live closer to a normal life. It will still be many years before there are no more captive orcas, but at least the end has begun with this last birth.