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He was everyone's Buddy - Libby - 06-05-2017

Twice in less than a week.

Last night was one of the hardest night in a long time.


We had Buddy for 14 years.  I came home one day and saw this black blur hopping up and down in the back yard.  It was a simi privacy fence so I couldn't really see but when I walked up and looked over I saw these gold eyes looking back.


I love you Buddy. I miss you but I know your not in pain anymore and knowing that helps.

Who knew we would have 14 years with you. It was rocky in the beginning. You were so hyper and your favorite thing was to aggravate Bailey. Which drove everyone crazy. Most of my shirts were replaced that year because you loved to chew on them. Over the years you were a friend to all. You loved meeting people. Your favorite trick was to do little mini hops like you couldn't reach the person then when they bend over leap up and lick them across the face. You helped us catch Molly and I know she is grateful for that. You had more nicknames than a dog should have Bubba Dog, Bubba, Mr. Wiggles, Bubbles Meat Head, Little Man... I know there's more I can't think of right now. You were the first dog I taught to sit, lay down, roll over, and to come when I would whistle. You weren't perfect, it took time to teach you and watch you grow into the, mostly, behaved little man. I wouldn't change it for the world and I would do it again.




RE: He was everyone's Buddy - Catherine - 06-05-2017

Libby I am so sorry. It doesn't seem possible that Buddy is gone. You have had him so long that it seemed like he would be with you  forever. I know he was special and we all loved hearing you talk about him. You must miss him so much. Your mother and your other dogs must be lost without him. How is Molly holding up. I don't know why, but losses seem to cluster like this.

I think Buddy is the dog that got you started towards your career. He taught you while you were teaching him.
He shared 14 wonderful years with you. I wish it could have been longer, but the time you had together was good.
Big hugs from everyone here. We all know what it is like  and we feel for you.

RE: He was everyone's Buddy - LPC - 06-05-2017

Very sad to read your news, Libby. I remember often reading your posts about Buddy. I send you my deepest condolences.

As you know, he is not really "dead", only physically so, and he has just passed into another dimension. He will always be close to you.

Were the "gold eyes" which you saw after he had passed? If so, no doubt that was Buddy's way of telling you that he is OK. Love always finds a way.

RE: He was everyone's Buddy - Libby - 06-06-2017

(06-05-2017, 03:42 PM)Catherine Wrote: Libby I am so sorry. It doesn't seem possible that Buddy is gone. You have had him so long that it seemed like he would be with you  forever. I know he was special and we all loved hearing you talk about him. You must miss him so much. Your mother and your other dogs must be lost without him. How is Molly holding up. I don't know why, but losses seem to cluster like this.

I think Buddy is the dog that got you started towards your career. He taught you while you were teaching him.
He shared 14 wonderful years with you. I wish it could have been longer, but the time you had together was good.
Big hugs from everyone here. We all know what it is like  and we feel for you.

This was a really hard blow.  I knew he was getting older and slowing down.  The past few months his back end was getting worse.  My mom had taken him Saturday morning and they did an x-ray of his stomach and back.  It came back he had a mass in his stomach and possibly 2 ruptured discs.  My mom brought him home but decided that Monday we would take him to be put to sleep.  Unfortunately with all the moving I think it aggervated something.  He stopped eating and drinking and was hollering in pain.  We were given some powerful meds to try and help with the pain but even after 4 pills he slept for maybe 10 minutes then woke back up.  He should have been knocked out.  My cousins husband is a vet so we called him and ran Buddy out there that night because he was in too much pain.  I wont get into the actual ride it was too horrible.

I'll have to upload some videos of him.  I have a lot over the course of his life.  Lots of pictures too.  I'm just starting to dig threw them.

RE: He was everyone's Buddy - Tobi - 06-06-2017

Oh Libby, I am very sorry Heart 
What a lovely face he has. Those are beautiful pictures of him, and his last resting-place. It must indeed have been a hard night last night.

It's true what LPC says. My Misty showed me.

It sounds as if maybe the 'blur' you saw in your yard, and those golden eyes were him, showing you he is okay on the 'other side'. Love certainly doesn't die. It's just a question of getting used to their new state of being which is a lot subtler now.

(Wrong colour of dog, but the sentiment is true)....
[Image: ghost_dog.jpg]

RE: He was everyone's Buddy - Libby - 06-06-2017

(06-05-2017, 08:00 PM)LPC Wrote: Very sad to read your news, Libby. I remember often reading your posts about Buddy. I send you my deepest condolences.

As you know, he is not really "dead", only physically so, and he has just passed into another dimension. He will always be close to you.

Were the "gold eyes" which you saw after he had passed? If so, no doubt that was Buddy's way of telling you that he is OK. Love always finds a way.

That was just the first time I saw him.  His eyes were a yellow gold. More orange pumpkin if he was fired up playing.  When I saw him for the first time I looked over the fence and saw this little black Basset hound body with gold eyes.
I was in 8th grade.  I walked home to a strange dog in the back yard.  We had a basset hound, Bailey but she was kept inside.  So when I saw a dog in the back yard I knew my mom had picked up a stray but was pinched for time. 

He almost got hit when my mom picked him up.  He was walking down the street, my mom was on the way to work.  There was a big semi truck coming the other direction headed strait for him.  My mom stopped the car, opened the door, called him, and he came running, jumped in the car, plopped in the passenger side, my mom got in the car, and he started licking her hand.

RE: He was everyone's Buddy - Libby - 06-06-2017

Thank you. It's been very rough. He was part of the family.

RE: He was everyone's Buddy - Tobi - 06-06-2017

Yes he was a strong part of the family. Now he is an invisible member who still loves you all and will keep a watch over bet!

What an amazing story of his rescue. If he had hesitated, or not trusted your Mom, with that truck coming he may not have had the chance to live those many years in a happy place. Thank goodness he jumped into your mom's car that day.

Bless his Soul Angel

RE: He was everyone's Buddy - Catherine - 06-06-2017

Your mom is like you about dogs. She finds them and they come to her. Buddy was meant to be with you and you had 14 full and wonderful years.
I am sorry the end was so rough. Basset Hounds are prone to back trouble and the mass was probably cancer.
He is at peace now and pain free. You can remember him as a young dog and think of all the good times you had together.
It is a hard loss for you. Buddy was one of those special pets that shape our lives and you will always miss him. He will always be a part of you because that much love is never lost. He is as near as your own heart.

For now you are in shock because of the loss. I wish there was some way to help ease the pain, but only time does that.
I hope you can take comfort in knowing that for a little lost dog you were a better life that he ever dared hope for. You gave him the best life and he was the best dog. He will always be your special Buddy.

RE: He was everyone's Buddy - Libby - 06-14-2017

Its weird going to my parents house and Buddy not being there. Molly and Mia beg for attention and I still expect to see him bark or come into the room.

Before he lost his hearing We would ask him, "Where's Mama, Daddy, Sissy, Molly, Mia, Kasey, or Heather?" and he would look at who ever it was we asked him about. He was so smart.
He also hated it if you covered your face with your hands. He would whine and walk up and push your hands away with his nose. He never stopped doing that.
We would call him PDA (public display of affection) Police. If anyone hugged around him he would bark until they stopped. Then he would beg for attention. It didn't matter who it was.

I still find myself replaying any memory I have of him even the most simplest ones over and over again.