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"No excuse for animal abuse" - Printable Version

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"No excuse for animal abuse" - Catherine - 06-18-2017

Protestors are not going to let the sadistic treatment of chickens just fad away. Now that the public knows about it they want changes. Body cameras are not enough. They want cameras inside buildings that house animals. And they want Lilydale, the company that sells the chicken to fire Elite Farm Services the company that abused the chickens.

It is good that they are keeping this issue alive. The more they push it, the more chance there is that the chicken "industry" will have to change.  It would send a powerful message if Elite Farm Services lost their contract. It will send an even more powerful message if the workers are charged, tried and convicted. We only saw one day's video. The abuse didn't just happen on that one night. It has been going on for years. The abusers need to be taught a  lesson and we need to send a strong message to other animal abusers that are out there. They will be caught and they will be punished.

RE: "No excuse for animal abuse" - Tobi - 06-19-2017

For something to have been going on for years means that it has been ignored. I cannot believe that somebody in that company did not see what was going on, and just probably didn't care. Nothing that repeats itself for years on end could fail to be noticed -by someone!

So I am very glad to hear campaigners are keeping the pressure on. I truly hope this cruel industry will be forced into major changes, even outside of that particular abuse case.

RE: "No excuse for animal abuse" - Catherine - 06-19-2017

Any time there is a video exposing animal cruelty in one of these situations you know that it is not the first time it has happened.
The abusers mistreat the animals as part of their regular routines.

At very least they will need to have cameras in barns and sheds that house animals. I don't think it will totally stop animal abuse, but it will help. The abusers will figure out where the cameras are and make sure they are not caught committing acts of animal abuse. They will still find ways to be cruel, they will just be more careful about it.

I wonder if it effects people when they know the chickens are being sent to a slaughterhouse to be killed cruelly anyhow.

Firing a company whose workers are being charged with animal cruelty will send a very strong message. Companies need to take responsibility for their workers. If they didn't know about the abuse it is because they were not keeping track of their workers.
It isn't just a lack of training. The company hired people who have a poor attitude towards animals. On so many levels Elite Farm Services failed to do what is right.