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Barrie's midnight crazies - Printable Version

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Barrie's midnight crazies - Catherine - 07-25-2017

I haven't talked about Barrie lately. He is doing very well and is in much better health. After a winter of almost hibernating he is awake and full of energy. Some nights he gets lively at midnight and charges around his tank for a while. He almost looks like he is asleep and then he looks wide awake. I don't know why he is like that some nights and not others.  Barrie is a mystery.

[Image: 2XiEgA4Kcw-8uToVz4zMvL1m96zXte6edcpuBbfd...=w424-h275]He looks asleep

[Image: f-klC8hglJOpu7OcJdd6e9imHmsopsWHBstQQrro...=w422-h275]His eyes are open

[Image: sU0jQhyDEP3w-2XEVD7LX32uVFMTi2ILEuJ-fgr7...=w292-h275]He is awake enough to taste the air

[Image: D4gcaxS8c5F5Ho7TTehs8X6-DDK6YarET_gyx5ai...=w602-h275]The eyes may be closed, but he is moving around

[Image: ndG7W1JJZYdbukiAkVn7mJ1YAHbDkwHpMW_2vUMd...=w517-h275]I told you he was awake

[Image: eYbS5uW3GWxRiiM-SnISJRynpYN3U_hrGbGXq-wH...=w584-h275]

[Image: LyW3tSbIBfzalk233cgIZkyHnodB8EEIw47D97DN...=w634-h275]

[Image: XZI8WOhweftzYXndik01zpUnQw5k1VJWad22Gu6H...=w567-h275]

[Image: 6lAUFlTwVPZXkBihxemcWORaK03PAJodnChvUcpL...=w577-h275]At this point he has made several circuits of his tank

[Image: 7cCz4ktl7M58I3w6OoPy5vXX7VA1uieFdm9_ThM_...=w489-h275]Having done that he turns on his water dish

[Image: Nu-rFGZh6CzyBcG7YNnbZJxQAD7KxFtrZ147sS4o...=w489-h275]

[Image: qYTxcuwre8BEqmzNSn5RgAv8VW-mZg1kB45GpBzs...=w489-h275]

[Image: UcolxR839r6xmOVxWfsqVZiNquZDGnTMd4bcEpQX...=w489-h275]At this point the water dish is going to be tipped over.

He also might drag the dish up and down the tank. I know if I get up and his tank is turned up side down he has been having a bit of a romp. It might be the warm weather that triggers his behavior. It is cooler today and he is sleeping.  He is curled up against the water dish. Of course in the morning it could be upside down.

He can actually leap at his food. If I toss him a quail egg he almost catches it as it falls. It is good to see him so healthy and alert. For an old lizard he is in good shape.

RE: Barrie's midnight crazies - Libby - 07-26-2017

That it too cute!
Lizards are so much fun to watch. Much better than tv sometimes. Especially one so active. It's like he's doing it just to watch you have to clean it up.

RE: Barrie's midnight crazies - Catherine - 07-26-2017

He is funny. I don't know why he suddenly goes after his water dish like that. I don't know why he suddenly wakes up and starts running around.

I have him on a fairly deep layer of coconut bark(fine ground with some chunks) with a little peat moss. He likes to dig and burrow and sometimes he covers his head and sometimes he likes to be on top of stuff. It is damp without being wet.. I do soak him sometimes and I also spray water on him. He seems very comfortable with his tank. I didn't bother with a lid because the tank is really deep and he can't climb glass or jump that high. It is fun to have him beside the computer. I can watch him when he is sleeping and I can laugh at his crazies.

RE: Barrie's midnight crazies - Tobi - 07-28-2017

He looks great. And that must be so funny to watch....Barrie's midnight crazies! Sally cat can be like that, all of a sudden she will race about and shoot up a tree, then run the whole length of the driveway and back. Then the next night she doesn't want to do it again. It happens randomly, but very funny when it happens.

RE: Barrie's midnight crazies - Catherine - 07-28-2017

Barrie is like a cat. Smile In his own way he acts like a cat. That explains a lot.

I am familiar with cat midnight crazies. That is why I was surprized when Barrie started doing it. He runs around like mad and then he goes back to sleep. 31 He just finished his crazies tonight and now he is blissfully asleep.
He looks so peaceful when he is asleep. Then I look at his overturned water dish and I know he can be a character.