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Coffee Bar Pet Art - Printable Version

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Coffee Bar Pet Art - Catherine - 09-16-2017

A coffee bar is using the coffee foam to create an image of a person's pet on their cup of coffee.
The images are really quite creative.

I love the guinea pig and bunny images. They are all really good likenesses, but the piggies would be my favourite.
The best I ever get is a smiley face in my coffee.

RE: Coffee Bar Pet Art - Tobi - 09-17-2017

What an interesting idea to make art out of coffee foam! Who would have imagined it? They are very good.

Well all I see in the morning in my coffee is my own face looking back because I have my coffee black. I smile and show all my teeth just to make myself look realistic! haha. I never feel terribly realistic in the morning.... Smiley4

RE: Coffee Bar Pet Art - Catherine - 09-17-2017

I think the coffee that has foam like that doesn't even come in black. It would have cinnamon and chocolate sprinkles and stuff like that. It is not the stuff of morning coffee. My morning coffee has milk because I microwave the milk and add instant coffee. 
The places that shape a pet's face in a cup of coffee wouldn't even consider what I do to be coffee.

I am not too creative in the morning either, but I need the milk for the calories.

RE: Coffee Bar Pet Art - Tobi - 09-18-2017

Yes I know what you mean; those really posh Capuccinos have all sorts on top of them and are very nice. I can imagine a more solid form, made into a fudge-type thing would be very good to eat with a spoon! That sounds like an excellent energy boost when you are hiking.
When I was a student we all had 'frothy coffee' and used to draw pictures in the foam. But I have never seen anything as creative as drawing animals in it!

I lived off-grid in 1980 for a few years in the mountains, in a just-about-converted barn. I found out there, that many things didn't keep well as I had no generator, thus no fridge. Milk was impossible to keep fresh in spring and summertime. It was then that I started drinking my coffee black with no frills. I liked it very much so the habit stuck.

RE: Coffee Bar Pet Art - Catherine - 09-18-2017

When you can't get something you learn to enjoy your food without it.  Milk is hard for me in the heat of summer. I have a frig at home, but I have to get it home. I will drink black coffee if that is all I can get.
Life up on a mountain would have been such an amazing experience that black coffee  would have been worth it.

Still those very fancy coffees are a nice treat once in a while. I the summer I can get some very tasty cold coffees. On a hot day a cold coffee is a real treat. Someone brought us cold coffees during Big on Bloor. They were heavenly, cold and frosty with chunks of ice. Yummmmm.

RE: Coffee Bar Pet Art - Tobi - 09-18-2017

Haha I know all about cold coffee!
I always have a certain ground coffee in the morning, always 2 mugs. Sometimes I don't always finish the second mug, as I'm in too much of a hurry, but come back to it 2 hours later when it is ice cold especially in the winter when my kitchen teeters on the brink of zero degrees. Smiley4  It works perfectly well for me hot or cold.

RE: Coffee Bar Pet Art - Catherine - 09-18-2017

I will drink it cold. Why waste a good cup of coffee. Why waste a bad cup of coffee. 

Still the coffee over ice with milk and sugar is like a coffee smoothie. Actually a coffee smoothie would be good. I could use yogurt and milk and some black coffee and may be a touch of honey. A drop or two of vanilla flavouring would be the finishing touch. Okay, a foam guinea pig on top would be nice, but I think I am not up to anything like that.

I wouldn't turn down a black coffee either. Smiley4 I like my coffee.