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Sewing for Barrie - Printable Version

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Sewing for Barrie - Catherine - 11-07-2017

Ever since Barrie's medical emergency I have kept him on clean towels. I have decided he is better on something like that than on substrate. The fine bark was making his eyes sore. Now they look bright and healthy. So I tried him on a piece of fleece that I had.
I think he looks very handsome and comfortable.

[Image: abnRuDtrVxiwwq-Lc-sawIpgqj-R9dgLGrY27_b2...=w489-h275]

So I went shopping for more fleece.

[Image: 9HLZsNc6xoUsxkGh1wNzXAJ-Ace4G3Da63u_3WKc...=w203-h275]I think he is going to look very good on these colours.

Here I am sewing the first blanket

[Image: vP4061tfsTI-nX5_IetgFy5RnJdKQKfxyszG1ghH...=w242-h275]
Now you might wonder why I don't show you a picture of Barrie on that blanket. I cleaned his tank and put him back. He loved it. While I was fetching the camera he had the biggest poop I have ever seen.  It washes very well and it is drying nicely.

So here is Barrie on the second blanket I sewed.
[Image: y3tWUdC-iauwsgBuo8AbWAA19uoWwts8l_gQV5II...=w489-h275]

[Image: CtIfYkwechCuAbNVSyN36-nHdTRlTdPXwdpj-qq9...=w489-h275]

I still have three more to sew. The pile of loose cloth bunched up is the blanket that he crawls under to sleep. The blanket on the bottom is sewn with two layers so that it will lie flat. 

I think he looks good and he seems comfortable. I wonder if he would like pillows like the guinea pigs?

RE: Sewing for Barrie - Tobi - 11-08-2017

It's good to hear Barrie is doing well since his injury. I am sure he did well because you knew what care to give him, and how not to do too much, but to let Nature take over.

His new blankets are fantastic. I like those colours. Lucky Barrie, having a seamstress to run up bespoke blankets for him!
The good thing about blankets is that they will be easy to put in the washing machine. And soft on his "undercarriage".

RE: Sewing for Barrie - Catherine - 11-08-2017

The blankets do wash well and they are thick enough to be soft for him. He loves the small extra blanket because he can burrow in it.   He used to burrow in his ground up bark bedding, but it always made his eyes sore. Now he sleeps nicely hidden, but still clean.  
I understand that Barrie had a history of infections before he came to live with me. I talked to someone who knew Barrie when he was younger. She was glad I had him because he did poorly with the people who had him. I know he had an abscessed leg, infected mouth and infected eyes when I brought him home. I have worked with him to keep him clean and heal everything. He also wouldn't eat properly. 
Now he is healed and now he eats. I am sure there is a connection.

It was a struggle to keep him clean. Now with his new blankets everything washes and he always sleeps on a clean bed that doesn't irritate his skin. I agree, the colours are beautiful. They suit Barrie's black and white colouring very well.
As he gets older I can always make the blankets thicker if he seems to need more padding.  So finally in his life Barrie is healthy and happy. He is such a sweet lizard and I know he feels better. I am so glad I brought him home. Heart

RE: Sewing for Barrie - Tobi - 11-09-2017

Aw! Bless you Barrie. You are lucky to have ended up in the right place.

I can understand why he wasn't eating if he had an infected mouth. Eating must have been painful for him.

RE: Sewing for Barrie - Catherine - 11-09-2017

In so many ways they mismanaged Barrie's care. It was easier to feed him raw eggs so they stopped giving him a proper diet.
His infections cleaned up really quick once he was with me so they must not have bothered to soak him or clean him up.
I am sure they didn't give him back rubs.

Barrie is so much better with me. He didn't even have a name. That is sad. A beautiful boy like Barrie and they didn't bother to name him. He is such a sweet boy and he loves the attention he gets.  It takes so little to make him happy.
He just needed a clean loving home.

RE: Sewing for Barrie - Tobi - 11-10-2017

It is so sad that he wasn't even given a name. But Barrie is okay now. He doesn't care about the past, but is happy where he is.

RE: Sewing for Barrie - Catherine - 11-10-2017

Yes he is a happy lizard and I have hopes that he has lots of years ahead of him. He is between 8-12 years and he has a life expectancy of 20 years. It is hard to believe that Barrie has been with me 18 months. Sometimes it feels like I just got him and sometimes it feels like he has always been here.

Barrie had a good meal last night and it is warm in the house so he looks very relaxed. He will sleep for a couple of days after eating. His tank is right beside me and he just gave a good stretch and made himself even more comfortable. His eyes are bright and his skin is healthy. Everything about him looks good and his body language says he feels secure when he is.

I don't know if he knows his name, but he does respond to my voice, unless he is deep asleep.
He has just woken up and is doing his late night walk around his tank. He is a big lizard so I always have to be aware of his strength and he has a strong feeding response(translation: he could give a nasty bite) He is actually a real sweetheart although I have noticed him eyeing my toes when I have him out on the floor. I always have to respect  what he is as a lizard. He is a challenge to look after, but I really love having him. There is something awesome about a 3 foot lizard with a personality. Heart

RE: Sewing for Barrie - Catherine - 11-11-2017

Finally I have pictures of Barrie on his light blue blanket. I think he looks very fine.

[Image: DiklYhVtakin7g1zyI3yDTKjOaJKPbPcF1W73sBp...=w204-h275]

[Image: q34gFwvPwmcub0ZO1K_VPgRTnGl4TliajbXOwRGM...=w162-h275]

[Image: KftSAVKn960eed9jlQ_bUuipPXvBQ-wTo6B7Qiks...=w407-h275]

I just cleaned his tank and his water dish and he wouldn't move until I filled his dish. I wanted to get a picture before he pooped on his blanket again.