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Animals seized from wildlife rehab - Printable Version

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Animals seized from wildlife rehab - Catherine - 11-14-2017

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife seized three baby deer and a baby elk from For Heaven's Sake Animal Rescue and rehabilitation. They then euthanized the animals because they said they were too accustomed to people.
The Animal Rescue people are devastated. They had no idea that the animals were going to be killed. They believed they could be rehabilitated to the wild in time. The Department of Fish and Wildlife never considered another future for the animals. Even though they were healthy their policy demands that they be killed.

This is one more reason why bureaucrats should not be allowed to make important decisions. It was so unnecessary to kill the animals. They didn't think of reasonable solutions and other possible outcomes. So much for a wildlife department actually looking out for wildlife.

RE: Animals siezed from wildlife rehab - Tobi - 11-15-2017

That is a sad outcome, and very disappointing.
If the animals were not in an ideal circumstance where they were, then they could have been re-located to an animal sanctuary, "petting zoo", or adopted by someone suitable.

But instead, the harsh option was used....
Presumably because it would have cost someone something to have worked harder to help these animals. Or it is a result of robotic thinking and the inability or unwillingness to think a little bit laterally?

RE: Animals seized from wildlife rehab - Catherine - 11-15-2017

The animals were fine where they were and probably could have stayed there. I find the government agencies like Fish and Wildlife show no actual concern for the animals. The animals are not individuals with lives,  they are resources to be disposed of
like office furniture and Paper clips. They interpret their policies in the way that is most convenient for them. No Fish and Wildlife officer ever sat up all night caring for a baby animal or risked themselves to rescue an animal in danger. They are licenced to carry guns so they use them. I think the are afraid of the animals. 

That intern should have kept quiet. If Fish and Wildlife had not been told they wouldn't have known the animals were at the rescue. They would have had time to raise and release them.