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Animals sacrificed at local fair - Catherine - 12-16-2017

A local fair in northern India was the scene of hundreds of animal sacrifices in spite of police and animal activist efforts to stop them.

I can't believe that in the 21st century I am reading over my high speed internet about people sacrificing animals.
They think it brings protection and better crops. It certainly didn't bring better anything for the animals.

What will it take to end things like animal sacrifice?

RE: Animals sacrificed at local fair - Tobi - 12-18-2017

How very sad. I can't understand the mind-set of any people, or any religion that thinks that causing torture and suffering to any Being, or deliberately killing anyone is going to bring them good fortune! It is love that brings connectedness with environment, and hard work and common sense that find a way to cope and even thrive when times get tough.
There are no "Gods" who want to drink blood and are going to reward us for giving it to them. Or at least, if by some chance there are....I really want nothing at all to do with them! Yuck. There are nicer places in the Spirit World!

RE: Animals sacrificed at local fair - LPC - 12-18-2017

The idea of animal sacrifice is embedded in most religions. For me, that is enough reason to avoid them! Judaism had animal sacrifices until the destruction of its last temple, and some ultra-orthodox Jews still dream of building a new temple. Samaritans still practice sacrifice of innocent animals to this day. See:

Christianity has inherited the principle, but not the practice, by citing Jesus as the "Lamb of God", who takes away the sins of the world. Some churches in Greece and Armenia still sacrifice animals. Islam still has animal sacrifices at Mecca and everywhere for Eid. Yazidis sacrifice, too. So do some (but not all) Hindus.

There are exceptions, principally Buddhism and Sikhism. They are only rays of hope in an otherwise bleak view of the rights of animals to live within the world's religions. There is an good article here:

The slaughter in the article which started this thread describes the primitive beliefs behind this so-called "religious" practice. But we should be clear that the practice is not just restricted to some rural areas in India. The abhorrent and primitive concept of animal sacrifice is, tragically, very widespread and common.

Good posts above, Catherine and Tobi. I agree with you both. Less religion (at least, ritualistic religion) and more emphasis of love and respect for all other life forms on earth (especially their right to live) is really the only way to stop animal sacrifice.

RE: Animals sacrificed at local fair - Catherine - 12-18-2017

Quote:There are no "Gods" who want to drink blood and are going to reward us for giving it to them. Or at least, if by some chance there are....I really want nothing at all to do with them! Yuck. There are nicer places in the Spirit World!

I think by definition any being that wants sacrifice and blood is not a god. What possible use would God have for blood and dead animals.

Good links LPC. This whole idea of sacrificing animals  has been with us a  long time, but it was not part of very early humans. 
It is something we have come up with. It goes with ignorance and superstition.

The first article quotes someone as saying about the sacrifice "The ceremony has not changed and it will not change".

I would hate to say that about any part of my life. I should always be able to look at what I do and question it. If it is good then it will pass the test. If something is a superstition and cruel to animals I should be able to reject it. The idea that killing some other being will protect me is strange. How is that possible? 

It seems that humans over the centuries and all around the globe live lives bound by fear and superstition and guilt.
We create rules and taboos that we can't actually keep. Many of them we shouldn't even try to keep. We make ourselves unhappy and then we kill an animal to fix it. I hate to say this, but humans don't seem to be very sane on the whole.

If we would be more natural and at peace with nature we would be a healthier happier species. 
A lot of our diseases are autoimmune diseases. Our own bodies are not at peace with themselves. 
The sad part is that we have done this to ourselves.