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Signs of frostbite in pets - Printable Version

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Signs of frostbite in pets - Catherine - 02-07-2018

Winter is still with us and in many places it is a cold one. Every year there are warnings about pets and the cold. 
I found a detailed article that not only talks about protecting pets from the cold, it also describes the signs of frost bite. The sooner you recognize frostbite and get your pet inside the less damage will be done.

I have never seen frostbite in a pet so the description really helps. It also is very good that first aid instructions are part of the warning.
I am not sure I would have known to warm a frost bitten pet with warm water. I knew you shouldn't rub the area.
Hopefully none of us will ever need this information, but it is good to have it just in case.

RE: Signs of frostbite in pets - Tobi - 02-08-2018

There is some really good advice on that link Catherine.
The best idea is never letting our animals get to the stage when they get frostbite. But I do admit, ears and tails can be a problem. Most dogs love it in the snow and don't mind the ice. Some roll in it and slide along. It's up to us to be sensible about how much exposure they get and how low the temperatures are.
Even good exercise which would keep their core temperature good, so they wouldn't feel cold, is still no protection for ears and tails!

RE: Signs of frostbite in pets - Catherine - 02-08-2018

It is very easy to underestimate the effect of wind chill. It makes the air much colder than the actual temperature.  The ears would be very vulnerable to the effect of wind chill. So even if it is a good brisk walk or play time and  neither you nor the dog feel cold, the ears and tail can still be in trouble. A dog with furry ears might be okay, but some dogs and cats have ears that are almost hairless. 

This link if fir the wind chill index. The article is geared for humans, but the information is the same. It gives a lot of cold weather advice and at the end it lists the dangers of different temperatures. At -55C they tell us wisely to stay indoors. If you have a dog, put some newspapers down and hope for the best.

Winter is a challenge for pet owners. With a little common sense our pets will be okay.