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Newfoundland and Labrador ban declawing of cats - Printable Version

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Newfoundland and Labrador ban declawing of cats - Catherine - 11-08-2018

Another victory.
Newfoundland and Labrador have banned the declawing of cats starting in 2019.

This is part of a growing movement against declawing and other unnecessary surgeries on our pets. 
Each area is banning procedures in its own jurisdiction. They are banning procedures one at a time.
Hopefully at some point they pressure will build enough for a country wide and even global ban on such procedures. 
Declawing has a whole set of problems and it is a nasty surgery. Tail docking and ear cropping make no sense. There is no real reason for doing it except some artificial breed standard.  Every ban moves us closer to a total ban of unnecessary pet surgeries. 

For now it is one victory at a time.