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Daniel Pine meet Jasper Gopher Snake - Printable Version

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Daniel Pine meet Jasper Gopher Snake - Catherine - 12-17-2018

Now that Rosie Pine is gone, Daniel Pine is alone for the first time since she was a baby. She is nine years old so I wouldn't want to find a young friend for her.

In 2011, I acquired Jasper Gopher Snake.  Jasper is a beautiful male and a friend of mine had two beautiful females. It seemed the right thing to do to let Jasper live with those girls. They have had a good life together and I went to visit him and Jasper seemed very happy. The girls were a bit older and are both gone so Jasper came back to me a couple of  months ago. I know he misses his ladies.

Gopher snakes and Pine snakes are related and very similar. They can live in the same type of set-up.  Jasper is probably two years older than Daniel. Daniel is female and they are similar size. So I introduced them.

[Image: Ms7Nz3X26SH6gJEMskHm2Hx6CCEBZyj9R2mxtnNc...=w282-h275]Daniel is the light brown snake and Jasper is the yellow and red-brown snake.

[Image: ZPHCxpMEdjvmLHg9iOXpQcEeoBDv2qZ9TzkUdUry...=w489-h275]You can see he is coming around behind her.

[Image: Un5rMrEexc1pu7XV0eA09gU8kKk653F6IkgZuHlb...=w489-h275]They seem fine so far.

[Image: UUcn0eE6GFVoE27aPVXFoZNfc8FkSay7UUNodAr_...=w489-h275]Jasper was still checking the tank out.

[Image: F35yMhkgGkn4Uqr5yoa1S8swyqJ3n4oXBsml6tLI...=w349-h275]A little meeting at the water dish. I will have to shift dishes around. The blue dish looked nice with Rosie Pine, but it isn't the best colour for Jasper. I have a striped one Jasper's colour and it was his dish when he was with me in 2011. I think he should have it back.

[Image: uYKNq2WbNlGIv_PxWDE2hOziAP4RgUqcKfKIGbKZ...=w215-h275]It has been hours and I checked on them and this is what I found. They are just lying there looking at each other. I think that is pretty good for a first meeting.  I think they are going to be okay living together. They are both older snakes and it is nice to think that they will have companionship in their older years. Both of them could live many more years.
I am relieved. I always worry about my snakes when they lose a partner. This is ideal. I provides for Daniel and Jasper. They are both beautiful and gentle creatures and I want them to be happy.

RE: Daniel Pine meet Jasper Gopher Snake - Tobi - 12-21-2018

Jasper and Daniel look pretty good together.
Time will tell,as they get used to each other, but it seems to have got off to a good start! I think getting them together will be good for both of them.

RE: Daniel Pine meet Jasper Gopher Snake - Catherine - 12-21-2018

They seem quite happy together. Sometimes they are each in their own spot napping and sometimes they are together. They seem very relaxed together. This is going to work.

I am relieved. I worried about Jasper coming back to me alone. And I worried about Daniel when I realized that Rosie was dying.
Now I have solved both problems.
I like my snakes and all my pets to be happy. I think this is going to make both of them happy. Heart