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My Princess Leia's Last Day - Printable Version

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My Princess Leia's Last Day - Libby - 05-17-2019

Sad to be posting here.  It's 8am cst.  My last lone rat, Leia, likely won’t make it though the day.  She’s stopped eating and this morning when I checked on her she was very cold.  Her body has started to give up.

I’ve picked her up and have her in a towel and a soft fleece blanket.  She had a huge tumor covering her back end.  Up until about a month ago she was still able to walk around pretty well.  She was slower and stumbled around but has kept going.  She doesn't let anything slow her down.  She’s was 1.5 yrs when I took her and her 2 sisters in 1.5 years ago.  Both sisters passed last year, Rey in April and Padme in May, so she’s been alone for the past year.  This week she hasn’t even been able to scoot and only 6-8 centimeters.  Just enough to reach her bed, food, and water.  She's been more willing to accept help but I think she just figured out how to ask for help and is using me as a butler.  I’ve had to keep her clean with morning and night cleanings.  But she’s had great spirit.  She’s been on meds that have helped with pain but it was still only a matter of time.

She wakes up enough to reach for my thumb every 15 minutes or so... it's getting more infrequent.

I was told to up her dosage so it will relax her but it will likely make pass in her sleep.  Bullet is snuggled up with her.  He's very warm so I know she's very thankful.

You second guess every decision at the end.

Let me just say that CBD oil is a gift from God!

Rey only lasted 3 days on meds after she showed signs of illness.  Padme lasted 2 weeks on meds.  Leia on CBD and meds has made it 7 months.  Making her nearly 3.5yrs.  Not a bad lifespan for a rat. 

I haven’t taken pictures of her since she developed the tumors.  I didn’t want to remember her like that.  So this is my favorite picture from the first night I brought Leia and her sisters home.
^^ This is how I want to remember her ^^
Chewing on my favorite Dungeons & Dragons dice set

She passed away at 10:30 am cst. She was snuggled up in my lap as she took her last breathe.

RE: My Princess Leia's Last Day - Tobi - 05-17-2019

Oh dear little Leia Heart   I am so sorry for your loss, Libby.

Leia got the best care and love and had done really well. It is so sad to see them leave us.

Blessings to her.

RE: My Princess Leia's Last Day - Catherine - 05-17-2019

I am so sorry for your loss. I know you gave her the best life ever. You were certainly there for her in the end and helped her to pass gently. It is just never easy to lose a pet. She was really old for a rat. She must have had a very strong spirit. 

I agree about the pictures. I don't want to remember how frail a pet looked towards the end. I want to remember how strong and beautiful they were. Princess Leia was a beautiful strong girl just like the real Princess Leia.  You named her well. 

It is so sweet that Bullet snuggled Princess Leia and kept her warm. He is such a wonderful dog. She must have felt comforted by Bullet and of course you there with her.

Big hugs from me and all my gang to you and your gang. You did a wonderful thing when you adopted the rats. Your place is going to seem so empty without them. Princess Leia is now free of her tired old body and can run free to join her family who went ahead of her.   Heart

RE: My Princess Leia's Last Day - LPC - 05-17-2019

Libby, I add my condolences on the recent passing of Leia. Do your best to think of the happy times you had with her. Run free, Princess, on astral fields galore!

RE: My Princess Leia's Last Day - Catslave - 05-18-2019

So sorry for your loss you did all you could for her she felt your love.

RE: My Princess Leia's Last Day - Libby - 05-24-2019

Thank you all! It's been very empty this past week. I'm so used to checking on her every hour or so and cleaning her and giving extra treats and mixing her water with pedialyte. So much time spent on doing everything I can to make her as happy as I could.

RE: My Princess Leia's Last Day - Catherine - 05-24-2019

I know how you feel. It is hard to get out of the habit of care giving. You put so much into her care so that her last days could be good. Now it is hard to let that go. For a little rat she has left a big empty space. With time you get used to it, but for now there is sadness. I hope your dog family is a comfort for you during the sad days.

RE: My Princess Leia's Last Day - Libby - 05-31-2019

I still look at where her cage sat when though it’s not there anymore. The last few weeks were really rough emotionally and drained me like crazy. I’m relieved she’s not in pain anymore but she really did leave a huge hole for such a small little girl.

RE: My Princess Leia's Last Day - Catherine - 05-31-2019

I don't know if it is better to put the cage away or leave it in place. Either way is hard to do. I still have Jake Krinkle Snake's tank in place, fully labeled and I can't bring myself to touch it. It feels too final.

You put so much into caring for Leia. It must be heart breaking to be without her. Our little friends leave such a big empty space when they leave us.  The first weeks are the hardest and  I am glad you got through it even though it was rough.
Somehow it will get better. Your other pets will distract you during the rough time. Knowing Leia is at peace now must be a comfort. I feel for you. I know how hard it can be. There is nothing that really helps except time.

I hope your sorrow eases soon.

RE: My Princess Leia's Last Day - omarlopez - 04-17-2020

good post!