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Trump green lights animal cruelty - Printable Version

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Trump green lights animal cruelty - Catherine - 09-11-2019

U.S. Department of Agriculture inspectors were investigating a raccoon breeding facility. The animals were suffering and some were confiscated. Plans to remove the rest were stopped when the Trump administration intervened and the raccoons that had been saved had to be returned to the cruel conditions. Inspectors are not permitted to inspect or actually do anything to help animals. The focus now is on the industry and its profits. Preventing animal cruelty  has been pushed aside. Charges are no longer being laid for abuse cases.

The changes made by this current American Government have returned the whole area of animal welfare  to a much darker crueler
time. It has taken years to reach the levels of protection we have and minutes to undo them.   It is like we have stepped back a 100 years or more. We hadn't yet reached the point where  raccoons are not raised for human pleasure and profit. And now this can be done with any level of cruelty with no fear of penalty.
These are darks days for animals.