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Change the World From Your Kitchen - Printable Version

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Change the World From Your Kitchen - Catherine - 09-01-2020

PETA with the help of actor Joaquin Phoenix have a campaign going to encourage people the "change the world from your kitchen" by going vegan.
They expose the factory farming system for the animal abuse that it entails. They also make the point that labels like cage free and free range are often misleading.
Chickens raised that way suffer just as much. Their point is that the only way to avoid being part of animal suffering is to avoid eating animals.

They are right of course. I think we all know that. We can restructure the whole farming industry to be less cruel. Less cruel doesn't mean cruelty free.
We need to move away from eating meat to move away from cruelty towards the animals raisedĀ for meat.
The idea of going veganĀ and making such a drastic change can be a little overwhelming. Even reducing the amount of meat you eat is a start. Learning to eat a vegan diet can take some practice. There are lots of vegan recipes on the internet and vegan cookbooks. There are vegan food products in the stores and vegan restaurants. Start with one vegan day a week and expand it. However you do it, at least make a start towards changing the world to a better place. A less cruel place. It would even be good for your health.