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Help donkeys.. - SameerluvAnimals - 06-13-2021 

Quote:Donkeys and mules continue to be abused for tourist rides. Harrowing footage shows donkeys are still being forced to carry overweight tourists. In addition, the footage depicts the creatures being beaten with sticks and carrying wounds such as open sores, caused by poorly fitting saddles. The video reveals that some of the donkeys are made to wear tight muzzles made from sharp metal. The handlers beating the donkeys with sticks in a bid to make them keep up if they stop walking.  
    When there were no customers, most donkeys and mules were left to stand in the scorching sun. They were tethered so tightly that they couldn’t even reach the sole bucket of water available to them. They weren’t given any food throughout the day.

Sign the petition:

RE: Help donkeys.. - Catherine - 06-13-2021

Thank-you for posting this. I have signed. 
It is terrible the way tourist sites abuse animals.
The donkeys have a particularly bad time. We need all tourists to stop riding the donkeys. It people didn't pay, the rides would stop.
I personally would never take a vacation in a place that abuses animals.

RE: Help donkeys.. - LPC - 06-13-2021

Thank you, Sameer, for drawing attention to this cruelty, which has been going on for years but has not been stopped yet. As Catherine says, it is fuelled by tourists, who if they had a gram of compassion would not encourage such abuse.

I signed.

RE: Help donkeys.. - SameerluvAnimals - 06-14-2021

I remember signing a petition before few years about the same case. Unfortunately it is still happening.

The below 2 links are not related to this topic. I just saw them and thought i could share them here. You can see in the below link, a donkey is continuously doing a circular walk. You can use machines instead of animals. It seems like donkeys are worked to death.

Here is a picture of a donkey died by working. You can see it is lying dead next to big loads of weights that it no longer could pull. Imagine being worked non stop like that ?
The picture of the dead donkey in the above link is a reminder of one of the saddest things happening on this planet. It breaks my heart. Some humans have no compassion. At the end of the day, this is what i want to say. For all the bad things some humans are doing to animals, they are getting it back and much more to come.

RE: Help donkeys.. - Catherine - 06-14-2021

Donkeys  are gentle creatures. I think that is why they are so often abused. They will work hard. If people were good to them, they would probably  do a reasonable amount of work for years. Instead, people work them to death. 
Just like the tourist donkeys, they are being asked to do too much.
All we can do is boycott anything involving donkey labor. It has not been easy to stop abuse like this.

If we raised money to buy the donkeys and free them, they would just buy more donkeys.