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Using goldfish as funfair prizes should be banned - Printable Version

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Using goldfish as funfair prizes should be banned - Catherine - 07-09-2021

Goldfish are living, feeling creatures. For many years they have been given out as funfair prizes. This needs to stop. They suffer stress in small plastic bags with little  oxygen. Many die before they even make it to their new homes. It may be legal, but it is definitely wrong.

I know people who won two goldfish at a funfair. On the way home they stopped at a pet store and bought everything the fish needed to survive.  The store even gave them water that was already treated and suitable for the fish. The fish were both dead by the next morning. They never stood a chance. They were destined to die the moment they were bagged up as funfair prizes. No living creatures should even be used as a prize.  The people giving the fish out don't care if they live or die. 
If they absolutely want a goldfish to be the prize, then give out a coupon for a free fish to be collected from healthy location at a later date.

Live fish as prizes has got to stop!

RE: Using goldfish as funfair prizes should be banned - Tobi - 07-19-2021

It shouldn't be legal. The welfare of the fish is the last thing the vendors must think about, and they will do only basic care, if that. Oxygen is needed as well as water.
I remember we "rescued" a goldfish when I and my brother were children. It only lived a day, poor thing. It was carried home in a plastic bag. I didn't know then what I know now.
This is abuse and has been going on for many many years with no changes.

RE: Using goldfish as funfair prizes should be banned - Catherine - 07-19-2021

Goldfish as prizes has been going on for a long time.  They seldom survive, if ever. Even if the person who wins the fish rushes it home and sets it up properly,
the fish just doesn't make it. I don't know why this hasn't been banned. Why don't animal control inspectors or SPCA inspectors intervene.  People just don't care about fish. They suffer too and it is not right.

I am sure you and your brother did the best you could, but the poor fish had already been through too much. It never stood a chance. At least  it died with people who were trying to help.