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The Dog Phone - Printable Version

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The Dog Phone - Catherine - 12-11-2021

We have the technology to call our dogs at home. What if our dogs had the technology to call us? Dog owner and computer professor asked just that question. 
Ilyena Hirskij-Douglas set up a dog ball with technology that would call her when it was moved. Her dog calls her 5 times a day. It is unclear if he knows he is calling her. He is also not good at answering her calls. If he doesn't call her at an expected time, it is a bit of a worry.

As a communication method it still has glitches, but it is significant in that it focuses on the dog being able to communicate with us.
Do we need this, maybe. Will some dogs actually learn to us it, I think so. It is in its early stages, but this could change how we communicate with our dogs.
I hope she continues to work on the idea.