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The giant penguin hoax - Printable Version

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The giant penguin hoax - Catherine - 08-26-2022

In 1948 large three toed tracks appeared on a Florida beach. They came from the water and returned to the water. For ten years people started "seeing" the creature which was determined to be a 15 ft penguin. It was only in 1988 that someone admitted to leaving the tracks. He had large metal penguin shoes made. A friend would bring him to a spot on the beach by boat and then pick him up further down the beach. Night after night he left tracks and sometimes the people calling in the sightings were his friends.

A 15 ft penguin! The largest living penguin is the Emperor penguin at 45 in (3ft 9 in)
There are penguin fossils in the Antarctic from a 6 ft 8 in penguin. An impressive size.
Fifteen feet! How could anyone think a penguin could be 15 feet.
Ostriches range fromĀ  5 1/2-9 feet.
Giraffes range from 15 feet and taller.
So people thought they were seeing a giraffe sized penguin.
That is a pretty impressive hoax. They actually fooled people into thinking they were seeing signs of an impossibly large bird.
It was well done, but I am glad they told us how it was done.