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Can Cats Eat Popcorn - Printable Version

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Can Cats Eat Popcorn - Aiden131 - 11-13-2022

Hi, I read a blog that said that cats can eat popcorn, but when I gave popcorn to my cat she started gagging. But she also loves popcorn. What should I do now?

RE: Can Cats Eat Popcorn - Catherine - 11-14-2022

I would think that you shouldn't give your cat popcorn if it makes him gag.
There are plenty of other things that cats can eat. It is not worth the risk.

RE: Can Cats Eat Popcorn - Evelyn - 03-01-2023

It is not recommended to feed popcorn to cats. Popcorn itself is not toxic to cats, but it can be a choking hazard, especially if the popcorn is not properly chewed or if the cat tries to swallow large pieces whole.

 In your case, it is possible that your cat's gagging is a sign that the popcorn is causing some discomfort or irritation in her throat or digestive system. It's best to avoid giving your cat human food and popcorn to your cat in the future.

Instead, you can offer your cat treats that are specifically formulated for cats, or stick to feeding her a well-balanced diet of cat food that meets her nutritional needs. If you're ever unsure about what foods are safe for your cat to eat, it's always a good idea to check with your veterinarian for guidance.

RE: Can Cats Eat Popcorn - Catherine - 03-02-2023

You are right, human food is not suited to cats needs.

Popcorn is often seasoned with a lot of salt and sometimes other things. Cats don't need the salt and the other things might make them sick.
The choking hazard is a real concern too. It would not be easy to dislodge a piece of popcorn stuck in a cats throat.

There are lots of cat friendly treats available. 
Better to be safe than sorry. If you are eating popcorn, have some cat treats with you to give to your cat when she comes looking.