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Vet criticizes people who breed flat faced dogs. - Printable Version

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Vet criticizes people who breed flat faced dogs. - Catherine - 11-16-2022

Tuna, a one-year-old bulldog has such an extreme face she requires surgery to be able to breath properly. The first surgery removes a fold of excess skin.
The second and third surgeries with correct the face from inside her mouth. Without surgery, she cannot live a normal life. She has trouble breathing when she is just sleeping. She has no energy left for play or even walks. 
The vet involved has publicly criticized the people who breed dogs with such extreme faces. They are destined to have health issues. The extreme breed standard encourages people to produce unhealthy dogs.

The vet is right. The original flat faced breeds were cute, but they could still function like normal dogs. Now breeders are producing dogs that require surgery just to be able to breath. There is something wrong with that. Unfortunately, as long as people keep buying extreme faced puppies, this problem will not go away
Like many problems the answer lies with the purchaser. If we keep buying it, they will keep producing it.

RE: Vet criticizes people who breed flat faced dogs. - LPC - 11-16-2022

You are right. The problem is that there is a demand for such extreme flat faced dogs. Breeders, out of greed, will happily comply with this demand.

I have always had cross-breed dogs during my life, for the simple reason that they are less wanted and need homes. The only exception was Marcus, a whippet-greyhound cross. He was given by a neighbour, who couldn't keep him following a change of home.

If everyone followed the advice, "Don't buy. Adopt", then these severely inbred dogs would no longer be bred. A big change in human expectations is required.

RE: Vet criticizes people who breed flat faced dogs. - Catherine - 11-17-2022

Cross bred dogs do avoid many of the problems of pure-bred animals. If everyone adopted, the problem of extreme breed types would be sort itself out.
The kennel clubs also have a part in this. They need to rewrite the breed standards to disqualify the extreme dogs. There is no way a breed standard is healthy if a dog needs surgery just to survive.

You have had beautiful dogs. The special thing about them all, is that they needed you. It was about you giving them a home. Even the whippet/greyhound cross needed a home. 

Owning one of the extreme breeds is about something else. I think people like to show off by having a particular breed. Right now, everyone wants French Bulldogs. I am seeing them everywhere. Some of them have some serious breathing issues. They were probably not too bad before they started breeding for the more extreme face.

If I ever end up with a dog it will be because some dog at the shelter will choose me while I am working on the shelter gardens.
The dog walkers bring them past me on their walks. I have had some funny little dogs looking at me, but so far, they have already been spoken for.