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All kinds of pets benefit our health. - Printable Version

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All kinds of pets benefit our health. - Catherine - 11-20-2014

We know that cats and dogs benefit our health. It seems that studies show that other pets have the same benefits.
Different people want different pets. Different circumstances make alternative pets more suitable.

I guess it says something about the person when you look at the pet they have.
Snakes and other reptiles are not specifically mentioned, but neither are they excluded. So I am going to assume this works for reptile pets. I won't even speculate about what it says about me that I love reptile pets. I don't need fuzzy, but I do like colour.

RE: All kinds of pets benefit our health. - Tobi - 11-21-2014

I think any animal/reptile/bird etc companion is a lovely friendship for any human.

We all have different types and species we feel stronger bonds with, for different reasons. Sometimes it's because of memories of special friendships with that particular species. And many times it's just because we don't mind what 'coat' a Soul is wearing in its life here -it is still a Soul friend.

RE: All kinds of pets benefit our health. - Catherine - 11-21-2014

Quote:We all have different types and species we feel stronger bonds with, for different reasons. Sometimes it's because of memories of special friendships with that particular species. And many times it's just because we don't mind what 'coat' a Soul is wearing in its life here -it is still a Soul friend.

I have a garden slug living behind my toilet. It is too cold to put her out so I feed her. She comes out when I do, although it does take time. I can relate to anything.

RE: All kinds of pets benefit our health. - Tobi - 11-22-2014

I had a spider living behind my wash-basin in the bathroom. He/(she?) never seemed to get enough to eat. There were never any flies in his(her?) web. So one day I found a dead fly on the window-sill and dropped it in the web. I was sure the spider would throw it out as it was already dead, and I'd probably find it on the floor in the morning.....but no. The spider dashed out quickly, grabbed the fly, and dashed back to its 'den' with it! I had to laugh.

In the absence of Misty, I used to talk to the spider every night when I went to the wash basin to brush my teeth. When I'd finished brushing my teeth I whistled it a tune but I don't think it was particularly musical, as I didn't see it dancing! (or perhaps it was musical and that's why it didn't dance! LOL! i.e. it had heard better tunes!)

RE: All kinds of pets benefit our health. - Catherine - 11-22-2014

I find spiders are really aware of us. They seem to get to know if we are friend or foe. Once a spider is comfortable with you it seems to hang around.
I have talked to spiders, but I never thought of singing to them.

I wonder, do spiders dance and do they like music?

I could try singing to Oscar my Tarantula. He watches me, maybe he listens to me. Now I am going to wonder.Undecided