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Can you spot the hidden animals?
People were shown blurry pictures of animals to see if they could see them. How blurry was too blurry and did it matter what kind of animal was in the picture.

Before you even look at the pictures and read the article, I will tell you that I could see nothing until the animal in the picture was obvious. I was able to see the cat best.

They  keep trying to make a case that we see snakes best. That might make sense if you lived in an area with poisonous snakes.
It wouldn't do me any good here.   I think the tests are looking to find out something about humans and snakes. Maybe if they used a wider range of animals and showed the pictures to more people the results would be interesting. and different.

I really could see nothing in the blurry pictures. Maybe I need new glasses. Smiley4
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I am seeing so many things in these pictures, Unfortunately I think they are things you're not supposed to be seeing. I see a white dog's face. He/she has a long nose and slightly floppy ears. I am seeing a Capuchin monkey's face, a woman's face, and a Native American man who is either dead, injured or sleeping. I also see a Meerkat. No sign of a cat!

but that's just the way my brain works and not what's 'there'. I don't see anything which is supposed to be there.

I tried looking at them with lazy eyes -the way those 3D pictures are viewed (I like those) but that wasn't working either with these pictures. No images popped up.
I'm a bit suspicious of this research. According to the graph, a few people recognised snakes in stage 1, where it is all cloudy and nothing can be discerned and nearly half of people recognised snakes by stage 3 (still extremely cloudy). I just can't believe this.
I couldn't see any snakes in the pictures at all.

{I know this is a bit off-topic from the original intent of the thread....but these are fun:}
I love those kinds of pictures. I can see the animals in them no problem.

Quote:I am seeing so many things in these pictures, Unfortunately I think they are things you're not supposed to be seeing. I see a white dog's face. He/she has a long nose and slightly floppy ears. I am seeing a Capuchin monkey's face, a woman's face, and a Native American man who is either dead, injured or sleeping. I also see a Meerkat. No sign of a cat!
I couldn't see a snake or any other animals. I saw some of the same odd things you did.

I really don't see this as a meaningful study. They want to prove that we see snakes. They want to prove that snakes are naturally dangerous to us and we automatically fear them. Snakes aren't dangerous and I don't fear them. I would be cautious of a poisonous snake, but caution is not fear.

I wonder about the pictures. They don't look like out of focus versions of the actual picture. The actual animal picture looks like it was imposed on a blurry background.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Yes, the bird did seem as if it might have been superimposed on a blurry background. But I'm not afraid of snakes either. I like snakes. Of course I would be wary of venomous ones but even those interest me. I am not likely to have bad dreams of snakes (don't remember ever having one in my life), or worry about them.

Yes I like the 3D magic pictures. I can't get enough of them!
For those who find it hard to see the 3D image, the secret is making your eyes go lazy, like you were almost about to fall asleep, and suddenly you see the picture! At that moment you can make your vision go normal again and not lose the sharp image.
It is so amazing how the 3d image appears. As your eyes unfocus the image becomes clear. It just seems to be there all of a sudden and the image is so clear.
I have always loved pictures like that.

Unlike the images in the study, where there is no image, just a fuzzy background. Then there is a clear picture on a fuzzy background. I am a little suspicious. They may have been looking for a certain result and "rigged" it to get that result.

I am glad I am not the only one who couldn't see anything.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Yeah, I didn't see a darn thing, except possibly a man riding a horse and maybe a ghost, lol?

Now those 3D images, I love!!!!
I have a whole book of them. I think the artwork is spectacular even when you can see the image!
[Image: m0223.gif] Come join the fun! [Image: m0218.gif]
None of us saw anything. That is why I posted it. I wondered if it was just me.  Maybe the study is a little bit like the Emperor's  New Clothes...there is nothing there.

The 3D animals are really good. I love the spotted puppies. Once you get the eyes to unfocus everything is so clear. How do they do that?
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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