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No Justice for Cecil
Sadly, the dentist who killed Cecil the Lion will suffer no penalties at all.
What he did is considered "legal" and in proper order.

No doubt he and others like him will continue to kill animals for trophies.

I hope that public opinion still continues to pressure him. I really hope most of his patients go to other dentists. He needs to realize that there is something disordered about wanting to kill a beautiful animal like that.
It wasn't a clean kill and Cecil suffered for a long time. With help he might have even lived.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

What goes around comes around and I believe he will get his one day. I am totally against what he did to that beautiful lion.
The whole idea of trophy hunting is horrible. Cecil was a beautiful creature and he was lured to his death.
I agree, what goes around comes around.

Somehow Cecil will be vindicated.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

You both have stated my feelings on this atrocity.
I have hopes that public opinion will be strong enough to turn people against trophy hunting. Once enough people disapprove there is a chance of getting it banned.
Cecil will be vindicated if some day trophy hunting and atrocities like it are banned. Until that day we need to stay outraged and make our voices heard whenever possible.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I am very disappointed to hear the outcome of this.

One day the world will change. It will just take some time and a lot of public outcry!

I know if he were my dentist I would boycott him as a protest. I think many people probably feel the same.
There are plenty of good dentists that don't kill animals.

I guess this is how we can influence things. We can get to know the people we deal with and then boycott the ones that are cruel to animals in any way. We already don't buy products that are tested on animals. This takes our vigilance one step further.

I ask people what they think about Cecil. I put it in terms of "Did you hear about...." Their response tells me a lot about them. I don't give business to people that are pro trophy hunting.

The world will change, but it does take time and a lot of effort on the part of all of us who want it to change.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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