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Pet Halloween Pictures
Some of the pictures I have found are just amazing, cute, creative and any other words you can think of.

These people are really creative. I can't think of a costume I could wear. I have no idea how I would dress up a pet.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I once knew someone who went to a Halloween party dressed from head to foot in black bin liners. We asked him what he was and he said an Alien. His costume must have cost him all of 30p. He made many people laugh, so that was a brilliant costume. He had a hole cut out of the bin liner and a transparent red strip where his eyes were (so he could see his beer anyway) 79He stood in a corner most of the night drinking beer, but appearing to have a good time.

Girls can dress as anything and it can be glamorous.

Making a pet wear a costume for the duration of a party evening though, is a bit much. Maybe a little lightweight coat tied on gently isn't so bad. (for dogs anyway) Cats would not like that one bit.

I only hope no-one does anything silly and dangerous with animals this Halloween such as spray-painting them or sticking glitter on them, or dyeing their fur!
Toronto had a number of Halloween parades. There was one in my area on Saturday night. There were lots of good costumes. It was just people who wanted to walk the street in their costumes. There where dogs in the parade and many had costumes. Mostly they were pull on T-shirt type costumes. It was a cool night so they were glad of the T-shirts. I think the dogs were having fun being part of a parade.

The bin liner costume was a good idea.  I went as a snake super hero.  I have some snake print fabric that I used for a cape and I made a Super Snake sign for my T-shirt. It was simple and it fit because I was at the reptile centre.

You are right, most cats are not into costumes.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I hope you had a great time at the Halloween event Catherine -as a Snake Super Hero!
Dogs in T shirts on a cold night is a great idea. They probably wouldn't have known what was printed on the T shirts but that doesn't matter. They would have joined in the fun! Of all animals, I think dogs really appreciate a good party!
The dogs really were having fun. It was a parade, but an informal one where lots of peopke walked down the centre of the street in costumes. There was music and lots of laughter. There was a guy walking his dog on a side street and the dog dragged him into the parade.

I had fun on Halloween. I did the decorating.

[Image: SmukLbEemvtn-WsRrjYQXXY21sx7o7-xoenRTeAC...74-h754-no]
The spiders were actually a place mat and I cut them out.

[Image: 2v9WZHs_26L3fUmi_zfdGvZ-VAj4pKDqaUizqL97...25-h754-no]

Our reptile centre pet iguana enjoyed looking out the window at the decorations.

[Image: 5utzPak5Eb4hlzVdVWlMsgyqTG6UZeGLz88kMXFV...40-h754-no]

Iris is sitting on the edge of the turtle pond

The turtles love the pond

[Image: yV9Cw_rT0YcJSygxzS1sh9RVvDN_ot835UJcVq1D...25-h754-no]
They can sit under the running water or they can climb out

[Image: xhEpy9drWlyuNvY7EasvPilkGb7aC7erzBAHzLfC...25-h754-no]
It is a nice place for them to sit and dry their shells when they want to.

[Image: 57e6r3Qvnp8WRfCTSKWD9pzLb3kc_mAVXw3tliQS...40-h754-no]

I decorated inside as well.

[Image: o79qg2IJqoxmWZ_2yF92clHN6k_WEERNfidW_Ai-...40-h754-no]

We had fun.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Oh WOW!   The decorations are spectacular! Did it take ages to do?

I love the Turtle pond. It looks like a very happy environment for them.

(This must be why I dreamed of a massive 6" long spider last night! Smiley4  He fell in the fire and I fished him out before he was burned. I didn't want to touch him at first but had to to save his life. He looked back at me as he shook himself like a dog, and ran away!)
The orange web come in a bag and it just pulls in all directions and I taped it in place. It took more time to go to the store than it did to decorate.

The pond was a brilliant idea. It is a plastic pond inside with concrete around it. The island in the middle is rocks on stainless steel poles so the turtles can swim under them. It took a month to build it. It houses the big Red Eared Slider Turtles that people bought as pets when they were 2 inches across. Now they are ten inches and most people are not prepared to have a pet that big. We rehome them to people who set up big turtle ponds and want big turtles. Everybody loves the pond. People stand at the window and watch the turtles.

Iris the iguana loves to sit there. She free roams the place and we all love her in spite of the odd things that she breaks. She is bigger than Barrie, but she is vegetarian.  I love it when she walks up and asks for some fruit or a bit of butternut squash. She has quite the personality. The big lizards are all interesting. They are clever and they know what they want.

I am not surprized you dreamt of a big spider. There were lots of big spider decorations. They were sold out and I had to get a bunch of little ones.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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