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A highschooler in Hawaii determines what is killing sea turtles
A lot of sea turtles are dying around the Hawaiian Islands. In particular, the Green Sea Turtles have a lot of tumors that eventually kill them.
Maddux Alexander Springer observed this while diving. He set out to find the cause. It took 2 1/2 years, but he determined the problem was sewage from cesspools seeping into the ocean. Algae absorbed nutrients from the sewage. The turtles eating the algae were getting an abnormally high dose of the amino acid Arginine. The arginine fuels the growth of the tumors that were killing the turtles.
Maddux proposed wastewater treatment plants as a solution. Without the treatment plants the turtles will continue to die and so will the coral reefs that the turtles keep clear of algae.
It will be expensive to build plants to treat water, but not doing will come at a higher cost.

Maddux is brilliant, focused and motivated. He is now going to go on and study marine Biology.
Who knows what else he is going to come up with once he has more training.
The oceans may be in trouble, but they also have people like Maddox fighting for them.
The future looks a lot brighter when we know we have people like Maddox working on our problems.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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