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Pumpkin time at the zoo
Every year zoos give pumpkins to the animals. The pumpkins are good for them and right now they are so cheap. It is also fun for the animals and lets face it, it is fun to watch.

The Grizzly Bear looks like he is performing CPR on the pumpkin. He will eventually break it up. but he is having fun trying. Most animals seems to like eating the pumpkin afterwards. Some of them might prefer it as a nice pie, but they still crunch it up and eat it.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Yumm, pumpkin!
It is that time of year, pumpkin everything.
Pumpkin baked goods, pumpkin alcohol, etc.
I do like me some pumpkin in the fall.
Funny thing, when Bock was a little lass, I was making a pumpkin pie one day. I had opened a can of solid pack pumpkin [no spices, just pumpkin]. She had the "ooooh, yum" look in her eye and asked if she could taste it. I said "sure".
I wished I'd had a camera for the look on her face. She was expecting it to taste like the finished product, after spices had been added. It DID NOT!!!
[Image: m0223.gif] Come join the fun! [Image: m0218.gif]
The picture of the pie on the can must have fooled her. I can imagine her surprize.

I love how excited the animals get. All the zoos give out pumpkins to all kinds of animals. Even tigers get them. They might eat some, but they have so much fun playing with them. There is something special about pumpkin. ( I can get pumpkin beerHeart)

Big and small animals go crazy over pumpkins. The only thing that compares is the watermelon videos. The animals like playing and eating watermelons. It must be the shape that is so much fun.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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