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Plastic Bag Sculpture--the impact of plastic pollution
Buffalo Zoo, both keepers and volunteers did a plastic bag sculpture of a polar bear.  They used the same number of bags as the average family uses in a year. That is 1500 bags. Each of these bags has an environmental impact.

Bags give off greenhouse gases in their manufacture. They end up in landfills where they don't break down. Worse they end up in our waterways and oceans where they cause animal deaths and contribute to the garbage island in the Pacific Ocean and other oceans.
This is how it ends up in our oceans.

This is the harm that plastic does.

We really need to rethink our whole relationship to plastic. We can't go on using it and discarding it.  Our environment can't handle the impact.

I hope seeing the plastic bear will make people think.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

That's a very good sculpture. I'm glad to say I haven't used plastic bags for years now.

A lot of stores have done away with them, I hope others do the same.
Toronto has really worked to cut down on plastic bag use.  Stores had to charge for bags. It was enough to get people thinking.  Many people still use bags, but I have a ton of reusable bags. If I have to use plastic I make sure I reuse it a few times. I then make sure it ends up in our recycling program.

If we can get everyone to cooperate with this we can make a change.

I just have know idea how they will ever get rid of the big garbage islands in the oceans.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Plastic carrier bags are a comparatively new thing. When I was a girl....maybe up until sometime in the 60s no one ever used plastic bags. When people went shopping they took a shopping bag or two, or a basket. Many housewives used shopping trolleys and filled them up (no bags) and trundled the whole thing home. Sometimes they used a cardboard box or two for putting shopping in a car. Food was wrapped in brown paper, some things (like cheese) in greaseproof paper, and many things like fish etc in newspaper!

Then plastic suddenly arrived. I can't remember when but it isn't all that long ago. And when we think how short a time that is and what a dangerous environmental impact it has already had -in that time frame! -it is very scary.....plastic 'islands'  floating in oceans!? -WHAAAT??
In 40 years dumped plastic bags are having that much effect. It is time to stop completely, because in another 40 years, at that rate the whole world will be a plastic island.

I get my shopping delivered now and order online. There is an option for 'no bags' which I choose. The items are carried inside in containers by the delivery driver, and then I take them out, put them on the floor, and when the driver has gone put the items away. No bags needed!
I have to say that I use plastic bags. I didn't realize the environmental impact. Maybe I should shop where they have paper bags but the store is very expensive. I have to use plastic poop bags to pick up Suzy's poop. Maybe I should look for another option at the pet store. Don't these stores realize what plastic is doing? Maybe not, I didn't.
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
I use what you would call a shopping trolley. I also have reusable cloth bags and some heavier reusable plastic coated cloth bags. They last for years.   I get a special compostable bags for the bin I put snake poop in. 

When plastic bags came out we all used them. Nobody thought about the environment. Now in 40 years we realize we have made a terrible mistake. I have no idea how we are going to fix it.  The first step is to stop making it worse.

Ruth, most stores do not mind you bringing cloth bags. Many even have their own bags that you can buy and reuse. There are pretty bags and there are bags that advertise events and causes.  It takes a while to remember to take bags to the store, but after a while you will just always have a bag with you. The good thing is that your bags can be used in any store.

Maybe the pet store has an ecofriendly poop bag.  They are trying to make bags that will break down quickly.

In whatever way we can reduce our plastic use, we are helping. I am lucky because we have a plastics recycling program and all my plastics can eventually be recycled.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I can purchase canvas bags, just wondering where a good place to buy them is. I can look online. I am going to check where I get my poop bags and see if they have biodegradable ones. Unfortunately the apt. place that I live at does not offer recycle options. It's terrible what the plastic is doing to the ocean environment especially. I do have to make some changes and I will
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
Most apartments were not build for recycling or green waste programs.  They are trying to fix that, but it will take time.

All you can do now is bring home less plastic in the first place.
Canvas and other reusable bags are available in many places. Certainly they can be purchased online. Have you checked the stores you shop at. Some have very good bags at reasonable prices. 

I try to buy things that have less  packaging.
I am lucky that Toronto picks up organic/kitchen waste and composts it. We are trying very hard to divert garbage from the land fill sites.

Can you call your city counselor and ask for recycling programs.  We have drop off points for batteries and light bulbs.
Every bit helps.
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There is a recycle place in my city but I have to call the city people to find out where it is. I was there once before recycling many years ago.
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
Confused I buy biobags on as I haven't found a pet store here that sells them.

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