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Three Baby Beardies
I meant to have one baby beardie, but she was lonely. So now I have three. The other two were together so I couldn't split them up. Anyhow they were all getting along so well.  It is more fun with three, but it is also like having a new baby in the house, but quieter.

Bath time!
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This is Ivy. She is actually a greenish shade.
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This is Little Bit. She is the best eater so she may not be little for long.
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This is Trixie the first baby I brought home. Yes there is a C on her head. I didn't want to mix her up when she was still at the reptile centre.
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Little Bit at home in her tank
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Trixie in the tank
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All three together
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This is how they were sleeping.
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Here they are in the new bigger tank. They grow fast and the 10 gal was really only meant for one.  A 20 gal is better for 3 beardies... for a few months.
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They are going to grow so fast at this stage. They are always hungry and very alert. I am handling them and getting them used to being with people. They are still babies so they are unsure about life, but beardies do like people. I will keep you posted on their progress.
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They are lovely. They all have slightly different colouring and markings, and I'm sure they all have different personalities!! They are so lucky to have found you. They'll have the best possible life now.
I'm looking forward to watching them grow.
Greeting from Wales.
Hwyl Fawr o'r Cymru.
This is the web site of the rescue I volunteer at.
They really do have different colouring and skin texture. Little Bit does not have spiny skin like a regular bearded dragon. She is what is known as a leatherback and her skin is smooth. Their colours are very different.  You will be able to see it better when they get bigger.  It is hard to get good pictures of tiny lizards.  Trixie is very red. Little Bit is more brown and tan. Ivy has a greenish tone and pinkish markings.

They definitely have different personalities, but they are still babies so it is too soon to tell how they will turn out.
It is like having a baby in the house. For the first months they need to be  fussed over and fed frequently. I haven't had baby beardies since 2008.  They are so cute. I will take more pictures. I am home for a few days so I can see them all day long. I have already moved them to a 20 gal tank.  I have a 30 gal waiting and they will need it soon enough.

I really missed having baby beardies and who can resist "triplets".
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They are all gorgeous Beardies! Bless them!
They are really growing. I will have to post new pictures.

Actually Trixie, the red baby, is not a good eater and she is not growing as fast. The other two are now bigger. Even little bit is a bit bigger. Even when I hand feed her she only eats a small amount. I am worried, but I will keep hand feeding her. Maybe it is time for baby food. I can mash banana, add vitamins and mix it with gecko food. Maybe some egg would help. She is not eating enough protein. 

Ivy is growing like a weed and I think she is going to be a big bearded dragon. Maybe Ivy is actually a male. Her colour is really coming in bright and beautiful.

Baby beardies are fun and worrying. They are so cute, but you wonder if they are eating enough and are they growing fast enough. You would think these were my first baby beardies.

The first baby I raised was the easiest because I didn't know anything could go wrong.
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They are nice looking critters. I have never had them but have seen some huge ones at the pet shop. He was as big as a dog!!
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These beardies won't get that big. They might get 18 inches and half of that is tail.

They will be a nice size to carry around on my shoulder.  Right now they sit on my hand. They are so cute and perky. I am worried about Trixie, the red one. She really isn't eating very well and the other two are now bigger than her.
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Do you have an exotic vet to take her to? I took a newt to an exotic vet once and he saved her life but she was never the same. Hardly ate and didn't do much.
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
I am better to deal with the experienced reptile guy. He knows his reptiles and he has produced thousands of beardie babies. Few vets have any reptile experience.
I can tell to look at her that she is not thriving.  I know the signs. She is the one with the damaged tail. There is a chance that she has always had something wrong with her. I have tried different foods. I can get her to eat a little, but not like the other two.

I might try some special foods and see if she is interested. I may have chosen the one beardie that is not alright.
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Aw they are so cute!! You are making me miss having bearded dragons now lol Every time I go to the pet shop I head over to the reptile section and check out the baby beardies Smile

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