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Happy Groundhog Day!
Feb 2 is Ground Hog Day. I for one will celebrate it because it means we are on the downhill side of winter. Every day from now on we are getting closer to spring.

Winnipeg sadly lost its groundhog this year. I hope that doesn't mean that Manitoba isn't going to have spring this year.

This is the groundhog whose opinion I am interested in.

Anything that tells me winter is coming to an end is worth celebrating.

I am hoping for and early spring.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Here is the groundhog that the weather man talks about every groundhog day:

I sure hope that the rest of Winter will be mild and end soon.
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
Gosh, is it Groundhog Day again - so soon?....I feel like I'm in the film! May this day be the one we all break out of old moulds and see new lives starting...
Hahahahaha Naked-mole rat day!!! I'd watch that. Although it sounds like one of those B list horror movies and in that case I won't watch it lol.
Quote: Gosh, is it Groundhog Day again - so soon?....I feel like I'm in the film! May this day be the one we all break out of old moulds and see new lives starting...
New lives are starting. My snakes are courting each other. Everywhere I look there is snake love in the air. Heart
That is a sure sign that spring is not too far away.
Phil of course predicted an early spring.  Wiarton Willie predicted more winter. I think I will listen to Phil this year.
Naked mole rat day just doesn't have the same appeal as groundhog day. The naked mole rats are cute, but they really have poor sight so they would never see their shadow. We might never get spring.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I'm not familiar with Groundhog day I have heard of it wasn't Bill Murray in a movie called that?
Catslave, some while back I wrote a very brief summary of the film here:

The basic idea is that we need to learn from our mistakes and change our lives for the better. Otherwise we just go round in a loop, repeating the same mistakes over and over again.

There are some sites where you can watch the film free online or by download. It was my older son who first told me about the film, which he had watched when it was fairly new in the 90s.
Kind thoughts to Groundhogs wherever they may be! I would rather trust Phil than the weather forecasters. Although there is a chance one day of a mutated Groundhog who prefers winter, and comes out for the snow!

Happy Groundhog Day everyone. May we all cease going in ever-decreasing circles, and learn about tangents and lateral thinking! Smiley4
Quote:Happy Groundhog Day everyone. May we all cease going in ever-decreasing circles, and learn about tangents and lateral thinking!
I like the idea. With your permission I am going to post it on the wall above my computer.
I will go old school and write it on a piece of paper and stick it to the wall with tape.
Groundhog day the movie is a classic. It is well worth watching again.  Sadly they were pointing out on the news that many of us are living like that. We do the same things over and over again without a break. Many people do not even take holidays any more. Sad.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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