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Things your pet does when you are out.
Do you ever wonder what your pets are doing when you are not home. Chances are,  if you find  out it is because they really did something you didn't want done.
I would love to know where the roast chicken came from.

Why would you leave money out even if you didn't have a pet.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

So funny! But of course, if you don't want to go broke, don't leave money where dogs might eat it! (Seriously, coins can be very toxic for dogs!) They might digest notes very well though....LOL

And God said..."I am going to send an Angel down who will love you like no-one else, and will always stand by you through thick and thin, even beyond death.....but the downside is this Angel will eat anything it can find! So hang on to your $$££!....and watch your sofa stuffing carefully!"

There are always two sides to a story! LOL Smiley4

Animals will get up to all sorts of tricks when they know we are out!
Here are two stories on the same theme:
1. Dazzle ate a pound note (in the 60s worth quite a lot) but my dear father took it his stride. See
2. My son's two dogs recently learned how to open the fridge door with their mouths. They then helped themselves to a large side of beef that my son and his wife planned to eat over a couple of days. Needless to say, the fridge door now has to have a lock on it, LOL!
These stories are funny even though the care takers of the animals don't find them funny. We used to have a dog who could open the refrigerator with her nose. She ate everything she could. My dad started putting a rope around it so she couldn't get it open. My Suzy will dig up the carpet with her nails if I leave her in the living room when I'm gone. I hardly ever go out without her. But when I do I put her in the kitchen where there is no carpet. It's really a good sized room but she doesn't like me to put her in there. She is so very happy when I get back and barks at me for putting her in the kitchen. lol
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
LPC, I forgot about your father's dog eating money. That was funny.
The frig door opening can be a bit more serious. Animals can eat anything.  If my guinea pigs ever figure out how to open the door, they will just keep on eating. Fortunately GPs are pretty passive so my frig is safe.

Suzy  may be safer in the kitchen, but I am sure she would love to get into things. I am sure our pets do all kinds of things that we don't want to know about.

When I had quail, I would find feathers on my rocking chair in the other room. They were always back in their pen when I got home. The dwarf hamsters did all kinds of crazy things. I had a set of them who moved out of their enclosure and set up behind a bookcase. I let them do it because I was curious to see what they would do. Every night I would see hamsters running around. If I tore up paper and left it on the floor, they would gather it as nesting material.

Dogs are still the best at getting into things. They can't resist chewing shoes and tipping over garbage. Dogs are just big kids at heart.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I remember that story about Dazzle eating a £1 note LPC! That was funny. Of course £1 had a lot more value in those days. I remember when I was about 5 or 6 asking my Dad what the lowest wage for a working man was. He said about £3. 10 shillings a week, or maybe a little more. So that £1 note would be the equivalent of maybe £70 or £80 now! We used to be able to buy a loaf of bread for tuppence.
I'm glad your Dad got the dog-eaten £1 reimbursed by the bank in the end!

Catherine -I thnk it is so nice that the Hamsters could make their own den. You knew where they were, so weren't going to move furniture around.

Misty never went near the fridge. I don't think she associated it with food. Probably because most of the things I got out of it didn't interest her much -like lettuce or broccoli, etc. I kept meals or her in the freezer just above it, and brought them out to thaw every day, but I don't think she ever saw me do it.

I kept the rubbish bin in a niche behind a curtain in the kitchen, so she never bothered that either. But she was not a 'naughty' doggy! She was very trustworthy with things. Even when I left my dinner on a low table, to go back into the kitchen for salt or pepper, she never moved from her bed.
There is a gull at the zoo who watches for people to go for salt and pepper or whatever. I saw him land on a table, throw the pizza on the ground and then eat the French fries. When the guy came back the bird then retrieved the pizza from the ground.

I wouldn't leave my food so he landed on the table and pushed my water bottle over in my direction. I always put the lid back on so I didn't get wet. I did grab my pizza and I was seconds faster than the gull. He grabbed the plate it was on, but I wouldn't let go. He was really mad at me. Smiley4

I had hamsters denning all over the place. It made them interesting. I never knew who would do what.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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