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Dog wake-up calls
Lots of us need a wake-up call to get us out of bed. These dogs do the best job ever.

I would get up for any of them. They are cute and persistent.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

LOL! They are so funny and so determined Smiley4 

Cats do a pretty good job too -so I have heard. And if you don't get up, you don't just get your ears washed, you get twenty needles stuck into you! Yikes!

Misty was more of a 'morning person' than I am....her way of waking me up was quite subtle though. She shook her body out and yawned with a little squeaking sound at the end. It always made me smile. Breakfast wasn't far away -and she knew it!
Quote:Misty was more of a 'morning person' than I am....her way of waking me up was quite subtle though. She shook her body out and yawned with a little squeaking sound at the end. It always made me smile. Breakfast wasn't far away -and she knew it!
She was good. Just enough of a hint that she was ready for breakfast.
With the guinea pigs, I can sleep late, but I have to be very quiet. If they hear me move they give a test squeak, followed by some discussion, which I can hear. If they are hungry they will start calling until I get up. No piggie has ever come to get me, but over the years a few dwarf hamsters did.
Reptiles that want food right now just stare. Oddly it is very effective.
The dogs are funnier though.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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