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Suzy got sick
Suzy just threw up about 5 times.  She is sick.  She has done this before and usually has diaharia with it, too.  Now I just have to watch her.  I may have to take her to the emergency vet.  Every time this happens it's on the weekend.  The only vet open is the emergency one. At least I have a place that I can take her.
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
You must be really worried. Do you have any idea what is wrong?

Did she eat something she shouldn't have?

It is always on a weekend isn't it.  The emergency vet is always so expensive. 
Keep us posted.
I hope she is better by morning.
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Yes I am worried. She has stopped vomiting for about an hour now. I gave her a little piece of a donut. I don't know if that made her sick. I will probably stay up all night with her to make sure she is okay. She is sitting under a chair in the dining room now and seems kind of out of it. I will keep you updated.
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
I wonder if the donut was to rich for her. They are very fatty because they are fried. Maybe she doesn't tolerate fat that well. Dog food is probably balanced for things like that.

She would be tired after being sick. I hope she feels better in the morning.
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How is Suzy now. I do so hope that she is better. I agree with Catherine; the donut was probably too fatty for her.
Suzy has eaten other fatty foods with no problem. But I will not ever give her donut again. She always stares at me when I eat and I feel sorry for her but I have to stop doing that with things that will upset her stomach.

She is doing much better now. Once the sun rises I am going to take her out for a walk. She hasn't vomited any more and hasn't had diahrea either.

She has been cuddling up with me on the couch this morning. She is such a little sweetie pie. I just love her so much.
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
I'm so glad to hear that Suzy is feeling a little better this morning.
Throwing up is so exhausting no wonder she was out of it.
A little fresh air and some good dog nosh will set her to rights, I'm sure.
Greeting from Wales.
Hwyl Fawr o'r Cymru.
This is the web site of the rescue I volunteer at.
I hope Suzy is feeling better this morning. A good walk will make you both feel better.

I will check back later and see if there is any news.
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Suzy is back to herself now. We went for a walk this morning. I stayed up all night to make sure she was okay. I gave her some brown rice today to settle her tummy. She is doing well.
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
I am glad to hear Suzy is feeling better. I know how you worry when one of your pets is sick.

Hopefully it was a one time event and her stomach is good from now on. Brown rice sounds like a good idea. I know rice is bland and easy on the stomach.

You both need a good nights sleep now. Smiley63
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