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the bunnies may have to go
Ever since I got the bunnies, which were bought for my daughter, I have been the one who has done all the cleaning out, feeding and general looking after. My daughter has not once done any of these chores even when she says she will she just doesn't. As much as I love the bunnies, it's getting a bit too much for me. The guinea pigs are my first love and I can't dedicate the time to them as I'd like because of cleaning the rabbits out. Then, I get a bit behind and when the bunnies are left a bit longer they are worse to clean than the pigs.

Therefore, I have told my daughter that unless she does the cleaning out herself then I am going to have to rehome all the rabbits because it's too much work for me. She has said that she will do it tomorrow but that remains to be seen. I mean what I say, they will have to go.
Sorry to hear about your problems. Learning to keep your word is a thing which all children need to learn at some point - but I understand your difficulties and wish you well.
I hope you can resolve this so that you can keep the rabbits, but I know how it is. You only have so much time and energy. Sometimes one thing more is just too much for you to keep up with.

I know you love the bunnies, but as you say, the guinea pigs are your first love and they need your time. I hope your daughter starts to work with the rabbits and take the load off of you. I am sure she would find cleaning them is not so bad, once she starts doing it. She might even find it fun. She could work with the rabbits while you do guinea pig chores and it would be a good time to be together and talk about the day.
I really hope it all works out. Lots of us started with pets when we were young and it was a good way to learn responsibility. Good luck and keep us posted.
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I suggest a serious heart to heart chat with your daughter explaining the responsibilities and duty of care that goes with pet ownership.

A pet is for life.... Life! Not until 'you' get bored with them, or they become inconvenient to 'your' social life.
Heart It is our deeds, the accumulated acts of goodness and kindness that define us and ultimately are the true measure of our worth. Service is the coin of the spirit.Heart
I hope you can sort this out for the best. I am sure neither of you wants the bunnies to go.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Best of luck to you. I agree a heart to heart might be in order.
[Image: m0223.gif] Come join the fun! [Image: m0218.gif]
How are things going? are you sorting things out?
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

(02-01-2014, 09:23 AM)Catherine Wrote: How are things going? are you sorting things out?

Well, I spoke to her about it and she was horrified that I was thinking of letting the bunnies go. So, the weekend before last I got her to help with cleaning the one hutch. I ended up doing most of it because she was tired. And, that was it. She hasn't done any this weekend, just no interest whatsoever. Confused
She likes the bunnies, but isn't interested in cleaning them? That is a problem. Could you trade tasks. Is there a job she could do for you instead of cleaning the bunnies. That would give you more time. It would have to be something pretty good though because you need some time for your own interests.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I have come to a decision regarding the bunnies. I am going to sell the lionheads and then get some Netherland Dwarfs instead. They are smaller and short haired so less grooming than the lionheads. When I told my daughter my plans, she got upset and said I couldn't get rid of the lionheads but as I pointed out, she does nothing to help look after them. She hasn't been down the shed to even see them in over a week, what does that tell you? I love bunnies but because of their long hair and their size, they are proving hard work. I thought that having much smaller bunnies will be a lot easier, similiar to the guinea pigs and I can handle that, even if my daughter still fails to help out.

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