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Petco Cruelty to reptiles
Some of the big stores really don't care about animals, but this one is just too bad for words. Although the guy who posted it did have a few choice words.

Lucky little lizard, he was saved from a terrible death. How many more are not so lucky.Smiley19
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Oh, this is so sad. And I am so sorry these lovely Creatures were not treated with kindness and respect. I'm glad the little lizard made it through such a terrible experience.
Large pet stores seem to care more about profits than kindness. The more of us descend upon them/boycott them/put out word about them on Facebook, or petitions, for mis-management and cruelty -the better! It might help to change their ways.
(02-05-2014, 04:47 AM)Tobi Wrote: Large pet stores seem to care more about profits than kindness. The more of us descend upon them/boycott them/put out word about them on Facebook, or petitions, for mis-management and cruelty -the better! It might help to change their ways.
Spot on, Tobi! This particular store seems to be a persistent offender, ignoring ciriticism. Only hitting their profits via publicising their behaviour will make them rethink.
All animals deserve to be treated with respect. A disregard for life, any life, is just a short step away from inhumanity.
We will reap what we sow, one way or another.
Greeting from Wales.
Hwyl Fawr o'r Cymru.
This is the web site of the rescue I volunteer at.
I am appalled that they threw a live animal in the garbage. They didn't even take it out of its travel bag so they clearly did not look it over too carefully. They probably didn't consider it dead and then threw it out. I think they neglected to check the box to be sure it was empty before they threw it out. Either that or they had too many iguanas and did not want to do a set up for one more.

However it happened it is typical of the callous uncaring attitude of the big pet stores. I encourage people to have relationships with small family, privately run stores where people care about the animals and about the people who buy them.

What must have that poor little lizard been thinking when he was in the dumpster with no food or water, trapped in a bag, unable to escape to safety.Angry
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I do find it hard to see from their point of could anyone do that??
We have to make as much fuss as possible about these things, and other callous treatment of creatures, wherever we find it.
Ugh makes me want to go check the pet stores near my house. If I ever saw this I would lose my mind on them. But Sometimes it's not the whole chain it's just one specific store or one specific manager. Stupid leading stupid is just stupid. (I'm learning that with my own personal work experience. I had a really crappy manager but recently moved departments and now the stress is lifted.)

The Petco near my house seems to have good knowledgeable people that work there. On more than one occasion I've gone to them with questions and they had a lot of information and things to watch for with what ever animal I was asking about. The other pet store is very good too. They raise money for the local shelters and adopt them out as well. They are very knowledgeable too.
You are right it is individual stores that need to be watched. The guy checks that Petco store regularly and he always has his camera to document what he finds.
He handled it well. I know he had to stop filming at one point because he was so upset, but he carefully got proof of what he found.

If you have good pet stores near you that is good. You can always look around and check out any other stores. I always visit any pet store I come across. That is how I ended up with my first Skink. Emma needed to be saved from that place. Later a took a quail from him so that it could at least die in a clean loving environment. It lived!

I think our vigilance is the only hope some animals have.
It certainly saved that baby iguana.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

People should know about this, and the more the merrier. People should boycott Petco. There is no excuse for this extreme cruelty.
I think these kind of things happen all the time and the more people who know about it, the better. That little iguana was possibly wild caught. Or else he was from a big factory style breeder. Animals are safer if they come from small local breeders. No local breeder would put a reptile in a bag like that. Where is his water supply?
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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