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Barrie is just visiting.....or is he?
I forgot that lizards can climb. Are they real strong? That would be good if Barrie got some fruit, yes. My birds won't eat fruit but there is dried veggies and fruit in their food. I think they are eating some of it. Suzy likes bananas and strawberries and kiwi and blueberries.
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
Barrie ignored the mango. I gave it to the beardies and guinea pigs. I hope they  like it. Barrie is ready to eat however. He will get a good meal tomorrow when I feed the snakes.
He had a good bath and a good walk today.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I love mangos and anything with mangos in it. Suzy might like it. She likes a lot of fruit and veggies. I hope your other guys enjoyed the mango!
The guinea pigs liked the mango.  Barrie wouldn't even look at it. I will try him again in a few days. I will also cut the fruit differently. I don't know what would appeal to him, but eating some fruit would be good.

He was hungry when I fed him today. He almost jumped at the food. Yesterday when he was out walking he was looking at my bare toes in a way that makes me think socks might be a good idea. Maybe my toes looked like something he could eat. Better safe than sorry. All these things are signs that Barrie is feeling good and since I want all my toes I will be careful in future.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Oh, that's great you had him out for a walk. I wonder why he was looking at your toes. Perhaps he thought them another pet? IDK. So glad he went out for a walk.
Barrie was thinking my little pink toes looked like something he could eat. In the wild he would eat small rodents, anything that would move, just like small pink moving toes. I wouldn't wiggle my fingers in front of his face either. I make sure he knows I am there and a place my hand under his body from behind. He is a big lizard and he has strong instincts to hunt for food. If it moves it could be food.

I am actually glad to see that much response from him. He must be feeling good.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

i'm so happy that Barrie is doing so well. You are doing a great

job with him. Keep up the good job, I know you will!!
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
I want to see him put on some weight. He is still a little thin. He is liking it here. I think he feels secure and he is getting used to me looking after him.

Barrie is really a lot of fun. He is so interesting and he is a challenge. I need to remember at all times that he is strong and has a mind of his own.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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