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Solar Panels
I'm gearing up to move out in the next 9 months. I'm getting married. Just bought a new car and paying for that and it has me thinking about expenses a lot. I've found cheaper rats for Jean-Luc (ball python) and cheaper crickets and meal worms Jack, Charlie, and Claire (leopard geckos) and it has me thinking about their heating requirements.

Today I had the brilliant idea to look for solar panels at least ones powerful enough for their heating pads.

Has anyone thought to use one for their reptiles or anything really?

I found some but I don't really know what I should be looking for so I guess I have some research to look into. I'll keep everyone posted as I find information. I thought those of you with reptiles could benefit as well if you hadn't already thought of it.
I never thought about solar panels for the reptiles. Let me know what you find out.  I use heat lights, not heating pads. A solar panel could run a heat light. Are solar panels available for home use like that?
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I've found several off Amazon and ebay and a few other places. And ive found info on types of solar panels. If I got one 50 watt I'd be set for all 3 tanks minus 1 light. it has a 25 year warranty. I use a combination of heating pads and lights. The heating pads are 8 watts and the lights are all 15 watts and lower. I still have some research but I'm pretty sure it would be worth paying $80 for 25yrs of power.
I am curious as I have never used solar power or anything except tiny lights (using 2 AA batteries)

Would a single 12 volt battery cope with that wattage? Or would you need a couple or more?

For heavier use I know people often use car batteries.

I wouldn't be totally sure off the top of my head, how it is wired up. But I bet it is easy once it is explained.

I found this quickly on google:
That seems like a good price for a solar panel. The more expensive ones that Tobi found are probably much bigger.

It would be a saving. You are in a very sunny area so it should work. I get a lot of sun here. I wonder  is it would work for me. Of course our dollar is down right now so it would cost more.

It is a very green solution to using power for reptiles. I make a donation to a green energy group to offset the amount of power I use. Of course that actually costs me money right now.

Let us know if you can do it with the solar panels. You would have totally green reptiles. I have never heard of a green ball python before. Smiley4
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I have solar on the house and I've see solar panels here in the camping stores so you can use different things camping.
I didn`t know you had a solar panel. It makes sense though. You get very intense sun in Australia.
I wonder if our local camping stores sell solar panels. It would be handy to have a power source. We have enough power outages to make it a worthwhile investment.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I'd probably have to charge to a battery and then connect it to lights and heating pad. I'll keep reading.

A green ball python would be quite a site.
(07-29-2016, 11:14 AM)Catslave. Wrote: I have solar on the house and I've see solar panels here in the camping stores so you can use different things camping.

Now that's a great idea. I don't think I've noticed them here. (UK) There may be some and I just haven't seen them.
A lot of the new caravans built here have solar installed so you can pull up anywhere and still have power.

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