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Man hunts bear with spear and leaves it to die slowly.
This is the despicable act of a coward. He put out bait to draw the bear to the site. Then he threw a large spear. It hit the bear and did a lot of damage. The bear ran off and was found dead the next day. We will never know how much the bear suffered, but it did suffer.

I can't actually tell you how I feel about this so called hunter. The Forum has a censorship program and even as an administrator my posts don't over-ride it. The man is a low life piece of trash who gloats over the killing in a way that is disgusting.
He claims to be a hunter and he claims he is hunting like our ancestors. I don't see him wearing skins holding a stone headed spear. I see him in the best of modern equipment with a very fancy spear. He drove to the site and he even used modern equipment to get a video. How is that fulfilling some ancestral imperative. Why would you want to prove that you are on a par with primitive early humans.

Wouldn't a sane person want to be a bit more evolved that an early cave man. Since he will not give up his "hunting" I can only hope that one day he meets his match.

The only good to come from this is that spear hunting will be banned in Alberta very soon.
It is already banned in Ontario.

Bear baiting should be banned as well. It won't be, but it should be.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I bought the newspaper yesterday and read that story this morning. It is terrible, what was done to that bear. I felt deeply ashamed of being human when I saw that man's gloating egotistical attitude to brutally killing an innocent creature.
Somewhere, sometime, he will have to face what he has done...and presumably continues to do in total ignorance. When he faces it, he will feel it.
The bear wasn't even attacking him.
I feel so sorry for what that bear must have gone through. He of course makes light of it, but it's estimated that it could have taken the bear 20 hours or more to die the most horrible death.
The killing was brutal and the practice of bear baiting is cowardly und unethical.

The man's attitude is embarrassing. I am ashamed that any animal on the planet would think I am the same species.

He has really made people aware of bear hunting and not in a favourable way. Spear hunting will be banned and that is a good thing. I don't think much of the couple who acted as guides. They take people out for a fee, but they are really setting up a kill for money. It is blood money plain and simple. Money earned that way is not a good thing. With their skills they could lead people out to where they could see the bears and other animals. The same bear could be seen again and again.

Why do people feel they need to kill things. Are they so defective inside that killing makes them feel stronger. Those of us who don't kill are the stronger people.

I feel sad for the bear who died in horrible pain because he was attracted to food. Smiley19
No one should be allowed to lure an animal like that.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

This man is not even a Canadian! If he is prosecuted (this apparently is being considered under existing laws), then he should be banned from re-entering Canada.

As for bear baiting still existing in Canada....Am I dreaming? Is this still happening in a civilised society? It was banned nearly 200 years ago in the UK (in 1835)! See
It is criminal, what he did, and those who assisted him conspired in a criminal act.
He should be tried under animal cruelty laws. I presume Canada isn't exempt from animal cruelty laws....? Or are they 'bendable' to fit the huntin' shootin' fishin' brigade??
Quote:It is criminal, what he did, and those who assisted him conspired in a criminal act.

He should be tried under animal cruelty laws. I presume Canada isn't exempt from animal cruelty laws....? Or are they 'bendable' to fit the huntin' shootin' fishin' brigade??
We are in the middle of changing the laws so it is hard to say. The animal cruelty laws should apply, but hunters somehow seem to slip past the law and do what they please.

We are talking about a different kind of bear baiting. I don't know if we ever had the kind where dogs fight a bear.

They set out bait to attract a bear and when the bear comes they shoot it. When they do it in the spring it is so unfair. Bears are very hungry and will take risks for food. They sometimes attract a female and when they shoot her they leave her cubs to starve to death.
It is a cowardly practice.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

When I see things like this it makes me sick what is wrong with people,the latest thing on social media is a 12 year old girl gloating about killing African wildlife complete with pics,she said she can't see anything wrong with it if it's done ethically.
Why do some humans have to gve animals scant regard, respect and love? Is it fear-based? That what they don't understand (the wilderness) becomes a dark threat that they have to destroy?
Quote:When I see things like this it makes me sick what is wrong with people, the latest thing on social media is a 12 year old girl gloating about killing African wildlife complete with pics, she said she can't see anything wrong with it if it's done ethically.
I am finding it hard to apply the work ethical to the senseless killing of an animal like this. I would be very worried if she was my child. If she is like this at 12, what will she be like as an adult?

Quote:Why do some humans have to give animals scant regard, respect and love? Is it fear-based? That what they don't understand (the wilderness) becomes a dark threat that they have to destroy?
Is it a lack of respect for the animals or a lack of respect for life itself. What kind of sense of self-worth do these people have. Do they lack self respect. Most people go through life and feel no need to kill animals. What is lacking in some people that they have this need to do such killing. I would love to do some serious psych tests on these people and see what the results are. Remember serial killers like to hurt animals too.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Thank you for the explanation, Catherine. Obviously, bear baiting means different things on each side of the Atlantic. I inadvertently started a "red herring", LOL! Sorry about that. All the same, this is reprehensible behaviour.

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