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Waving from Germany
Hello there,

I am Alexandra from Germany and want to say a „little“ hello at first (well, I know me and I tend to write novels in web forums and Co., so take the „little“ maybe not that literal). There are two things I want to beg you: 1. My English isn't the best but I do my best, so please excuse the faults I make. Also if something isn't clear for you or you wonder about please ask me for a better explanation. 2. To the admins: I thought I would have an account here yet but no e-mail address I normally use is registered here. So I think I was wrong about that but if there should be suspicion to a 2nd of mine account please tell me. Of course if I was wrong I wasn't active with that account (that I would know).

So let me start with my introduction. I am a 40 years old woman and I was born into an animal loving family. I grew up with a few pets and my best friends for my first ten years were a female German Boxer called Rani and a male cat called Ginger (my parents first thought he would be a female and didn't change the name later – at least it isn't a common name in Germany anyway). They were the same age as me and so we grew up together. Somewhere exists a picture of us as babies sleeping together on one pillow. If I will find it I will show it to you.
But there were other pets, too, not at least because of my three elder sisters (I am the family’s pet by myself as I am nine years younger than my next older sister) which always had own pets. We had turtles, other cats (I had my first own cat when I was 10years old), birds, bunnies and guinea pigs. Also I was often at my uncle's and aunt's allotment where they had big bunnies, ducks, chickens, pheasants and geese and at their home they had dogs and other birds.

In fact I wasn't ever without cats in my life and it isn't probably a surprise that I tend to keep my own tiny zoo but of course only if the circumstances are right and I have the place, money and time for that. At the moment I have a six month old German boxer puppy River Song (normally I call her River but if I call her Fräulein (Miss) Song she knows she had to stop whatever she is doing^^) and two cats I named Jethro and Bambino (there was an Abigail, too, but sadly she never came back from one of her out-door tours when she was three years old). With River I fulfilled the dream of my own dog since Rani passed away.

By now that three are all but now I have the right circumstances and in the next time there come a little more pets and in the next year a horse.
A horse was another dream of my childhood. There was nothing I wanted more than riding and an own pony or horse. When I was seven years old I could begin with riding and now I make a little money in my side job as a trainer of horses and riders. I had own horses in my life but in the last years I had health problems and life was rough to me so I had to forgo that for a while.

That's the story as short as I could about me and animals. Furthermore I am a web designer in my first job, I own a self help forum for people with mental illnesses and life crisis' (I didn't start it. I only adopted it when no one else wanted it anymore and it would have been closed If I hadn't taken it), I do a literature study at a distance university, I read a lot of all genres, I paint and sculpture and I am a geek.

I registered here because I just love it to compare with people about difference views and opinions to understand them. I am registered at some German web forums, too, but here it's special interesting for me. There are different common views about animal care and also the hole situation for animals/pets in other countries and that is interesting for me. So I hope to a good comparing with you and want to end my first posting at that point.

Yours sincerely, Alexandra
Welcome to the Forum. I am Catherine the Administrator. You will meet out other admins as they log in. We are all in different time zones. I am in Canada.
I have a mix of animals. I have a collection of rescue guinea pigs and a number of reptiles. Some are rescues and some are special babies that I bred. I just took in a 3 foot Black and white Colombian tegu lizard. Barrie is a really sweetheart. You can see his picture in the reptile section.
Look round and you will find a history of out pets in the different threads.

I hope you get your horse.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

A warm welcome to the forum! Your English is quite good and I had no trouble understanding what you have written.

I hope that you will find the time to post pictures of your pets.

We have two alpacas, two sheep and a dog (plus my mother, who lives with us, has a cat). My avatar is of a beloved dog who lived with us prior to her passing over, called Puce.
Dear anima,
Welcome to our Forum! It is so nice to see another animal lover, and you have had so many animals throughout your life!

I am uncertain o any 2nd account of yours, but will ask the other admins if they know about it. Of course, it would be better if you only have one account. Anyway, I am sure we will be able to get that fixed.

I always like a good story to read, so please don't feel shy about saying whatever you want to!

The dog in my avatar is Misty. She passed away in 2012 but is now a "Spirit Dog" and very much loved! She will never be forgotten.
I now -kind of -have a cat whose name is Sally. She is not literally my own cat but belongs to a neighbour. But I have been looking after her for over 4 years now.

So another warm welcome from me!
I just realized that all our avatars are beloved pets who have crossed the rainbow bridge. Mine is me with Mr. Pigbert who left me 6 years ago. His beloved son is now turning 7 and he looks so like his father, but Pigbert had a special sweetness about him.

I don't know anything about a second account. I can look through the files and see if I can spot something.

We would all love to hear more about your pets. We have gotten to know each others pets over the years and they feel like family.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

(09-29-2016, 01:32 PM)Catherine Wrote: I don't know anything about a second account. I can look through the files and see if I can spot something.

We would all love to hear more about your pets. We have gotten to know each others pets over the years and they feel like family.

Oh dear....I forgot to ask you last night Catherine. But I can't see a second account for anima either

Yes they do, in a way. I even sometimes dream about other peoples' pets!
I have dreamed of Puce, Forgy, Jake Krinkle Snake, Luna Rabbit......
Quote:Yes they do, in a way. I even sometimes dream about other peoples' pets!

I have dreamed of Puce, Forgy, Jake Krinkle Snake, Luna Rabbit......
We do get very attached to each other's pets. I think I better do an update on my babies so you all can see how they are doing.
Luna Bunny will be here in a week. Bunny mum is going to her Grandmother's 100th birthday. I have already checked on the bunny cage and supplies that I store here between his visits. I keep them here so she can just call and come over with Luna any time she needs to go away.

Jake Krinkle Snake is doing very well. So is Dora Dove. She is quite content with being alone and has her little routines.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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