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Moose rescued from frozen river
A moose tried to cross the frozen Shediac River in New Brunswick. It is cold in Canada right now, but the ice is still very thin. The moose fell through and was trapped. She would have died of the cold and exhaustion without help. The brave Shediac fire fighters went out onto the ice and chopped a channel for the moose so she could reach the shore. Then they guided her to safety.

It is good to know that there are brave people out there who will take risks and work hard to save an animal in distress, even a big animal like a moose.

Let us hope the moose is fine no and feeling no ill effects from her ordeal.

It seems moose rescues are a seasonal thing.
Here is another one in Spokaine Washington.

I am glad this moose made it as well.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Yes those Moose (Mooses? Mices? haha) are really big heavy creatures, and I can imagine they thought the ice would bear their weight. But it is the first freeze so the ice will be thin.

Good old fire-fighters to the rescue! It must have taken some skill to get both of those Moose(s?) out of their predicament. They surely would have died terrified, without the help they got.
Bless those firefighters.
I think moose is one of those words that is the same singular or plural. I just looked it up and deer and fish are the same. Maybe it is just as well. I have a feeling they will be rescuing more moose as the winter progresses. Moose are heavy animals so only the thickest ice will hold their weight. I am glad they were rescued. They would have died slowly of the cold and exhaustion.

The rescues were pretty dynamic. The ice is thin and the rescuers didn't want to end up in the water with the moose. Somehow firefighters always manage to save the day or in this case the moose.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Moose.....Mooses.....Mices....Meeces....!) Rotating LOL

Smiley4  Just me being silly again!

It's amazing that the firefighters managed to get those Moose out on such thin ice, without needing to be rescued themselves. That must have been really hard work. Good job!
I kind of like the meeses or is it meeces. Some words really should exist.

At least the moose cooperated. When they  chip swans out of the ice every year they attack while they are being rescued.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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